Uncontrolled Immigration Destroys Nations and Insults Sovereignty

Racial and cultural homogeneity builds community. When a race and Torah-following culture develops, it has a happy people. They have things in common, including morals and values. Unfortunately, the USA lost those community attributes. Our women have even been programmed (brainwashed) by the media to accept foreigners rather than deliberately prognose them according to Christian and homogeneity values. In a sense, our society has been infiltrated, legislatively and physically invaded, and psychologically subverted and distilled to this type of neglect and compromization (acceptance) toward intrusion.

At the end of the video, notice the demonic laughter and rejoicing in iniquity instead of truth (1 Corinthians 13.6). Glory to women who righteously appreciate their own race even at the cost of suffering, amen.


Ted Kennedy (1965) and the NWO demise of USA

Remember Noah's blessing upon the white man