The Powers That Be And Anti-Christian Rule

The black revolution of the 60's was promoted by the controlled media and the anti-Christian powers that be. Without biased exposure to the public it would have been blatantly noticeable to the people of the world if the anti-Christian alliance had not incremented racial desovereignation of the white man before advancing their process and goal of world dominance. The temporary political, economic and social progress of the black was encouraged among the world and especially the blacks themselves.

The controlled media (a tool of the hidden government) knew that they could influence the black easily by offering much more than self-determination. They knew they could change the power structure of the USA with a faction and puppet conglomeration. This would allow them to rule the USA without significant, white interference due to further desovereignation.

Divide and conquer. Since the constituents and subraces of the USA were negatively influenced and cannot work multilaterally together for their own benefit of autonomy, the nation can not rise above the status of subservient anarchy (although controlled). There is now no political foundation regardless of the ethnicities and subraces that favor it able to defend itself against the New World Order.


Alex Jones Racial Integration Deception

Lincolnian Only-One-White-Race View

Repentance of Miscegenation

Trait of Inferiority

The Tragedy of Dinah

Benton Harbor Crisis

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