The Negativity Of Multiculturalism And Infamous Inter-racial Association

Although many people of various races do not understand Biblical, social and infrastructural principles,

they do realize that hate and murder deserve legal vengeance.

Study the negative effects of the Lemaricus Davidson
and ex-girlfriend Daphne Sutton case—the association and flight of a white woman does not encourage future, sexual and social morality upon a black. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were silent about the torture and mutilation of the innocent, white people: Channon Christian and Chris Newsom. They gave no specific apologies, no exhortations unto the black people to keep themselves from violence and evil. The mainstream media said nothing. Do they only feel concern and passion for those who are not white!

I saw part of myself in those awesome, young people. Part of everyone that has the love of God in their heart is destroyed along with their fellow man when they look upon their needless, sadistic, persecution and destruction. Their youthful, joyful smiles and the light in their eyes when they were living (even from pictures) was very touching.

I am sorry over this terrible event and all evil. May the Lord bless the parents and relatives of the victims and help their hurt heal, in Jesus' name, amen.

However, contrary to black preacher and mainstream silence concerning racial crime against whites, there are positive cases of black, racial influence upon blacks and all races. If Marcus Garvey, a noble, black man, had not been prevented to fully initiate his plan of homogeneity, races would have been encouraged self-preservingly to fight together against multicultural globalism and its infrastructural, social harm, including world debt slavery and demographic, inter-racial hostility in its end.

The New World Order powers ended Garvey's movement (there was no real hope with his debt-based finance enterprises anyway) as it did Hitler's bid for Nationalism later. Blacks have gained non-Garvey media prestige and have been tolerated to tear down the white establishment, but whites have lost their ability to speak out and march after WW II. Only cosmetic public complaints on part of the whites have been allowed. As I mentioned in the Lincoln profile, after the cease of the repatriation movement, whites have conceded their power to blacks and others. There is no effective redress of our loss of liberties unless the globalists are challenged on a multilateral level by all subraces and mixtures of peoples, which is highly unlikely. Diversity is the globalist glue to keep the peoples under their bondage. If peoples do not seek their rights to racial and cultural homogeneity... and of other peoples also, they have nothing to look forward to except eventual control grid, economic slavery, loathing social conditions and Detroit-like devastation.


The Blessing Of Racial And Cultural Homogeneity

Brotherhood: Races helping other races develop self-preservation

Beware of the Protocols of Zion: Demise of Nationalism and subracial self-preservation

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