Note: This is not a legal document; it is a biblical analysis.


American Criminal Law Seems To Have Been Built Upon Old Testament Forever-Guilty Lack of Principle, Not New Testament Grace

It was good that the USA government in its beginning recognized the Bible and Old Testament as a moral source of enlightenment. However, it could have been much better if the legislators had implemented more fulfillment (New Testament) teachings. Sadly, our government was infiltrated through waves of non-homogeneous immigration and legalism, less gracious and anti-Christian legal thought was perpetrated to a greater extent. Honor of the founder-heir civilization was degraded. This is something that righteous Nehemiah restored to the Hebrew peoples, which legislators should do for the USA.

For instance, a murderer may have been given a death (Old Testament similarity) or life sentence (New Testament grace) for his crime. The latter was much more graceful and still protected society from the malicious mind of such a criminal. On the other hand, a thief may have been given several years in prison, and then released only to find himself with a criminal record that was forced by government officials to never be hidden from society. This never-ending criminal record, forced divulgence would hold a repentant criminal (even though he did prison time and worked at penance and spiritual rehabilitation) for ever under a disability to find employment and an honest means of survival. This seems to be a lack of forgiveness on part of the state vengeance (and people) rather than a forgiveness method ethic (New Testament), which would induce encouragement for repentance and self-adjustment toward turning an about-face toward crime.

By no means should a criminal without judgment and penance be merely forgiven by the state, however, that does not mean the state vengeance must be limited to a guilty-for-ever judgment by forcing job application information back further than seven years. My personal opinion in order to correct law and avoid hypocrisy would be that a state institute a forgiveness statute disallowing holding a previous record of a non-violent offender for more than a seven-year period, or up to a life-time year rule for anti-sovereignty frauds (illegal immigration intruders), murderers, man-slaughterers, dope-smugglers, extortionists, rapists and other hard-core acts against society.

Differentiation Between Continuous And Non-Continuous Moral Turpitude

The hypocrisy of holding a non-violent, repentant ex-criminal (candy thief for instance or DUI offender) to a for-ever-review (full criminal history—all offenses required to be listed) by employers is easily deduced by the state tolerances and overturns of previous moral law, passively or corruptly allowing the penalties for sexual sins to be ameliorated or not recognized. Adultery was an Old Testament death penalty crime (not a minor or non-continuous offense). The government has even allowed remarriage adultery without any penalty. This was also also permitted during the second-law era of the Old Testament; however, adultery and remarriage was repealed and not tolerated in the New Testament.

Despising or disregarding the New Testament, deteriorating state law permitted many sexual life-time crimes without penalty and resisted individual prevention against it! Family and sexual morality protection-laws were thrown out in some instances. Individual right for a man to protect himself or biblical law was outlawed in some instances. Condonation of the once legal killing of an adulterer and adulteress caught in the act by husband was no longer upheld in some states. Of course Christians don't want killing as a resolution of such a horrible crime against a family, but we must not be complacent with erring government's answer such as not avenging the very wicked with life imprisonment and financial responsibility either.

The offspring of adulterous parents do not always get involved with drinking and continuous bad habits, but the lack of home fidelity may be a cause for some misguided youth. State protection is needed to prevent defiled living and broken homes.

Ted Bundy And Government Tolerance Of Pornography Marketing

Mr. Bundy deserved at least life imprisonment. Even though he may have been sincere in penance, he did not deserve to be allowed to live among society ever again. However, he could have been allowed through a more gracious legal system to make his peace with God and suffer a harsh (without luxurious or pleasant items) prison sentence, and perhaps have been able to make amends with his victims' relatives. With all the unnecessary military killing that has been done through USA wars, allowing life imprisonment instead of another death would not have been so bad. Nevertheless, he was executed.

The thing of it is, he mentioned the things that government allowed without prosecution, probably referring to media perversion and specifically pornography in his conversation with the interviewer. This is just once instance of American legal passivity, but we live among many types of on-going corruption without penalty while minor crime records of former offenders are forced for review and perpetual discrimination. Couldn't the USA make a forgiveness statute to help ex-offenders of non-continuous crimes go on with their life!

State Law And Government Can Change For Better Or Worse

Moralists, whether government officials or spiritual leaders, due to free will are not mentally held to perpetual legal depravity and government can change for the better, even making more gracious provisions such as disallowing life-time accountability for non-life time crimes. However, government can also become worse through apostasy of the people and NWO take-over of governments. Morals and justice can be totally disregarded by an adverse government or state regime.

Incrimination and reinstating penalties for sexual crimes would be a positive move for any government. Institution of a seven-year record holding law for minor, non-continuous crime would suffice. On the other hand, severe penalty and financial liability must be required for sexual or violent crimes of moral turpitude. Law must be lifted up toward biblical standards, not degraded to satisfy the lusts and ignorance of man.

The Ten Commandments And Death Penalties

Adultery was a death penalty sin. Thou shalt not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14) It was a sin as stated. And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” (Lv. 20:10)

Wives were expected to be chaste. The marriage was authorized by the male parent. The Ten Commandments were given during the time of the first law of the Old Testament. However, eventually in time, things and circumstances changed and the second law came about. Moses allowed the men of Israel to divorce and remarry. Nevertheless, time passed and fulfillment law was brought in by the Lord Jesus Christ. He eventually restored marital sanctity and purity such as that of Adam and Eve; he reproved and explained remarriage as adultery.

Even though American law in its beginning may have recognized adultery through more pure eyes, we live in the apostasy now, and many heretical churches ignore God's reproof through Jesus the Christ. Our state and federal laws have also deteriorated, and remarriage adulterers go free without indictment. Fornication and uncleanness is now an unchecked, everyday matter.

Murder was also a death penalty sin. “Thou shalt not kill”. (Exodus 20:13) It is a horrible, violent crime. Nevertheless, some criminals repent of their ungodliness, including murderers. Due to New Testament teachings, I personally believe a murderer (repentant or not) should be given a life sentence, not capital punishment.

Consumption Disorder, Old Testament Death Penalty Sins

Habitual drunkenness was a death penalty sin.

Dt.21:18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: 19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; 20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. 21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.


Although a person who commits a DUI crime may not necessarily have a habitual drunkenness problem, it is a crime that bears a record. So does murder. However, shockingly, adultery does not!

Nevertheless, a habitual drunkard becomes more of a threat to society when driving a motor vehicle, and could be potentially dangerous (even without the intent of harm) as a murderer. However, if a DUI convict repents from his vice and seeks treatment for his addiction, or is delivered from it, then that risk toward society is lessened. According to my personal opinion, then, it only seems fair to not keep his record for more than seven years as to view by employers and those that pertain to prosperity success. However, unfortunately at this time, American law does not see it this way.

Soul Record

We all have a record with God. He knows everything we've done or will do. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess to Him. Let us make changes in our lives and prepare to live eternally with our Creator, Jesus the Christ. Amen.


America's gods of Babylon

Non-Continuous Sin Differentiation

Old Testament Tolerance of Remarriage

New Testament Repeal of Remarriage and Adultery

State Laws Became Passive Toward Sexual Sin



Sex Determination

Chromosomal Racial Discrimination

No Indictment for Multiple Sex Events