Note: This is not a legal document; it is a biblical analysis.


Christy Mack Testimony

With no personal bias against the people who give testimony at the “War Machine” trial, watch the video and see how many times a biblically illegitimate sex event is mentioned and without any indictment, or even a statement of indication of dishonor such as illicit cohabitation. America has become a nation that even rewards sex offenders at times. This legal deterioration would have been difficult to come about if the standard for penalty against adultery (a form of fornication) and preservation of family and community had not been destroyed. Even though fornication, adultery and murder should be given harsh sentences and life in prison, naturalization in the USA, the courts, the mainstream church and morality concerning purity of sexual relationship became much more loose.

Since Christy Mack, public figure name of the girl giving testimony, and War Machine were not legally married, the legal term of adultery would not necessarily fit their sexual relationship discussed in the video. Their conjugal affair could be identified as fornication however because it was outside of legal marriage. (Nevertheless, legal and biblical marriage/pure are still two different things many times.)

What is adultery? Fundamentally, from a synoptical viewpoint, there are two distinct acts, the one subsequent to the other, which constitute adultery. The first act is a sin of "putting away" because the Scripture says the husband "shall cleave to his wife" (Gn. 2:24); and also, that no one should separate what God has yoked together (Mk. 10:9)--"one flesh" (Gn. 2:24). The second sinful act, "marry another," is subsequent to the first. It also contradicts I Cor. 7:10, 11. Whenever a man puts away a woman, he separates a unified entity which God has joined together. This act in itself does not constitute adultery. However, afterward, if he should marry, he commits adultery against her (Mk. 10:11, Lk. 16:18). Also, if a woman should put away her husband and marry another man, she commits adultery ( Mk. 10:12). Any man who marries her that is put away from her husband commits adultery (Lk. 16:18).

Now on with the video...

At about 1 minute “fetish videos” is mentioned. Showing nakedness has always been considered lewd. (

At about 7 minutes she says she stayed at his home. They were not married. Even though there is no actual evidence of sex, it is generally thought safe for a woman not to be alone with a man in the same room. (

At about 10 minutes she said she had infrequent sex with him. Sex outside of marriage is a form of fornication. (

At about 12 minutes she said she offered him a relationship with other women due to her sex drive not keeping up with his. She not only was committing fornication through having sex with him, and her spiritual fornication of exciting men in the adult industry, but she promoted a form of furthering his fornication through having the effect of the sexual reward of polygamy or several relationships. (

At about the latter part of the 12 minute episode, she mentions promoting and having anal sex with him. Although he was impliedly her first partner in this devious way, it didn't make her any more less unclean for sure. Sex is for reproduction, not for abominable pleasure. (

At about 15 minutes she begins talking about rape and rough sex (impliedly violent fantasy promoted by her) with her boy friend. Marriage is supposed to be a loving relationship, not anything immoral or violent. However, although there is no mention of even a legal marriage between them, all sorts of defilement through aggressive sex seems to have been perpetuated.

At about 18 minutes “consensual choking” is mentioned. How perverted can you get! Ironically, she helped promote part of the sexual violence of War Machine, then she reasonably calls the police on him for a different form of violence. She was eventually openly caught having another affair and sleeping with a different man, which enraged War Machine, who beat up her boyfriend and her. The brutal offender/avenger is sentenced to decades without parole but she walks free, with no mention of illicit sex. At one time, adultery was a death penalty sin as well as murder. Sadly, today many forms of fornication are rampant without penalty. Summarizing, female sexual treachery and disloyalty must be taken into account for penalty, and also be considered to be determined as a cause for appeasement of penalty of those opposingly involved in our legal cases.


Back To DUI Record Holding

Tracing America's Sexual Deterioration Downfall

America's gods of Babylon

Non-Continuous Sin Differentiation

Old Testament Tolerance of Remarriage

New Testament Repeal of Remarriage and Adultery

State Laws Became Passive Toward Sexual Sin



Sex Determination

Chromosomal Racial Discrimination

Be Water My Friend