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A Nation Divided

The Bush bully/maturity question: Will his blatant character defect bring utter disaster to our country and world? Is impeachment a possibility?

Denial of one's faults is a serious matter. It prevents growth and maturity. A school bully can never really gain the confidence of the other students while coercing them to accept his ideas. However, if the bully recognizes his own faults and makes changes, which happens as people mature, others easily appreciate it.

Similarly, a national leader can not gain the confidence of the international community or his nation if he hides faults of himself or his nation's endeavors, and blames others while excusing himself and his nation for things he himself or his nation has caused or committed. President Bush must recognize the nation's contemporary error and withdraw USA financial and military aid to Israel if he chooses to not collaborate and be accused in Mideast terrorism. The question is: Will Bush ever discover and heal this fault, mature and grow up?

What Bush would have to gain if he made an executive order to throw out Affirmative Action and forget about involving America in international problems?

What Bush would have to gain if he made an executive order to throw out immorality lawlessnesses and forget about involving America in international problems?

(Sept. 23, 2001)


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