
Christian Club's

Marriage Eligibility Testimony Development


Understanding the responsibility of maintaining sexual purity...

Christian Ethics

Virgins: Clarification of No Defilement Necessary

Any man or woman claiming to be a Christian and seeking a relationship or mate must be able to present a God-approved potential through a testimony of chastity,

proving no current and lasting defilement issues. This is so easy for virgins. However, in other cases it requires at least verbal documentation of the issues and details of clearance for past issues and allowance (for instance, due to a death) for a previous relationship.

Non-Virgin Women:

For instance, a woman with previous sex experience would have to mention every man who penetrated her and prove he is no longer alive. The reason for this is that the law required a man who took a woman's virginity to marry her (with the approval of her male parent). The marriage was expected to last without divorce. The male was held accountable for his taking her virginity, and especially financially, even if the father would not finalize the marriage (Ex. 22:16, Dt. 22:13-21, 28, 29).

The female would also be responsible for checking the male's background and be able to accept with good conscience (without doubt) that he is not liable for any violated virgins that may still be living.

Non-Virgin Men:

The male with previous sex experience would be required to testify that he has not violated any virgins who are alive, having no obligation to fulfill a previous relationship. Polygamy and several marital relationships were not valid for deacons after the New Testament was introduced.