Chastity and Holiness


Christians must learn how to discern who their enemies are: those who attempt to destroy our sovereignty and inheritance: those who attempt to destroy the attributes of chastity and holiness, priestliness and church rule.  We must promote laws to punish adultery even as murder.  Our women must be faithful to their own race and avoid being desovereignized by letting men touch their bodies.  Government must be encouraged to avenge sexual harassment and defilement of our women.

May our own women and others become as Ja'el (Judges 4.21), even though not an Israelite, who stood for the righteous cause of Israel, put an end to the enemy leader's flight, and then notified Ba'rak (v. 22). Let us encourage our women to become virtuous and overcome the enemy of immorality. Let us have vengeance toward the perversity of those who defile the land, who inflict, and destroy parental relationship and provision of innocent children through lust and fornication. Government must be encouraged through our holy attitudes to avenge sexual harassment and defilement of our women.

Our enemies also attempt to destroy and have made great strides against our majestic and social rule: kingliness, welfare and pro-life advancement, and authority that God has imputed to us.  The religious, judicial and political leaders have betrayed America. Righteous segregation from our enemies is required even when we are mixed in their presence: "To cast out all thine enemies from before thee, as the LORD hath spoken." (Deuteronomy 6:19)



Avoid heresy and tyranny

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