Retrospectively, in the churches where I have found a general regard for male leadership, which is God's will and commendable, I have generally found a deficiency as to a mature conception of the dimension of spiritual gifts: this should not be so. Yet, even so, that some of the more orderly – as to male teacher – churches are wanting in this spiritual area, allowing or condoning the usurping of authority of women as a replacement (because many women are bold or because of the lack of boldness of the men) will not fill the unwholesome gap. Men of God should recognize God's plan of assembly order, commending themselves, not suffering women to teach (I Tim. 2:11; I Cor. 14:34).

There are many Christian women who disagree with this spiritual precept. How they choose to think is up to them. But what they may have to say, and how they may go about saying it is up to the elders of the church. Let the elders be minded that they have a leadership role, and a Scriptural outline to follow (I Cor., ch. 14). God's spiritual, and prophetic men are responsible for the order, and conduct of the assembly (I Cor. 14:37). The apostolic rules of order are commands of God for the spiritually learned who willingly desire to obey God in a becoming manner.

But, if any person is not satisfied with the precept, such a one is not compelled to concede. The primary importance is that all believers gather together regardless of their differences of opinion in reference to church order according to becomingness (I Cor. 14:38).

Personally, even if a woman is rude and overbearing in a rebellious, and insulting manner as by ignoring the God-given, dignity and authority of a man, to such an extent that she may openly mock me, I still do not hinder her from attending service because I know it is God's will for men and women to gather together in his name and to be fed and nourished by the presence of the Lord, and his word, and the other members of the body. However, I also know that there are other gatherings I can attend if things get too disgraceful.

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