Adultery, even though it may be legalized, is condemned. A person who continues to commit sexual immorality is a wicked person. The Apostle Paul said, "let a man have his own wife [not someone else's wife]," and "every woman her own husband [not someone else's husband]." (I Cor. 7:2)
I have included an excerpt from my paper "Restoration" in order to give you critical insight concerning this matter:
"God is the one who ordained marriage. He has established the marital law: these laws concern a male lying with a virgin female (Ex. 22:16, Dt. 22:13-20, 28, 29). Thus marriage of a virgin female occurs in one of three ways: choice, seduction and rape. When a couple enters into marital unity according to God's specified marital establishment, then it is God who has joined them together. The Lord warns that no one should separate this marital yoke (Mk. 10:9). Therefore, concerning a case of choice, it is very important that a man and woman soberly cherish one another as a prospective future mate and perhaps offer prayer before ever completing the sexual act which constitutes marriage. (It is a blessing to the soul for a person to establish the practice of reading, praying and fasting before his or her pre-marital years.)

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Page study guide:

I Cor. 7:2, Ex. 22:16, Dt. 22:13-20, 28, 29, Mk. 10:9

Paper: Restoration