"Children may be sanctified through believing in the Lord Jesus Christ; they are not responsible for their parent's sins. The mother of Jeph'tha-e was a harlot. However, he is noted one of the great faith men in the book of Heb., ch. 11. That proves to you children of unclean parents can not only be clean, but precious to the Lord, and great helpers to God's people and the world. (By the way, every woman in these terrible times should know that God wants to bless every unborn child regardless of the sins of the mother. Thus, no abortion should ever take place.)"

Furthermore, not only have I contended with Billy Graham and his son, I also formerly strongly exhorted an official of Billy Graham's organization:

"This will be the final time I write to you, knowing that if you reject my admonition that you are subverted, sinning, and self-condemned (Titus 3.10, 11).
"You quoted Billy Graham, 'The sins of the past cannot be undone, just as you cannot unscramble eggs.' Let me tell you something. A sinner can change the sins of the past! It requires REPENTANCE. That is what this issue is about.
"You are consenting to Billy Graham's promotion of fornication, legalized adultery, ignoring God's plan of redemption of the sinner through repentance of his or her sins. You are misleading many, including sinful people who otherwise perhaps would be convicted of their adultery, repent, and be saved.
"A thief is a person who steals. A repentant thief no longer steals, and a reconciliatory, repentant thief makes amends to those he has defrauded. Likewise, a repentant adulterer ceases the forbidden sexual activity, and a reconciliatory, repentant adulterer begins living a separate life, assuming responsibilities which resulted from the previous sin.

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Jephthae, Abortion never permitted