Active Piety instead of War

     When I consider the comparison of the prosperity of different ethnic groups, especially with my own, and then from a closer look even from the particular regions and cultures that I have been more familiar with, I can see the lack of grace, spiritual riches, facial radiance and fulfillment through the ignorance, manners, words and deeds among the ones who have not learned and put on Christ. Many of the women have been a prey for the lustful and are unchaste. We have suffered from lack of knowledge of God if not rejection of God, spiritual immaturity, social violence and financial poverty. This makes me sad because I know God wants people to be inwardly rich--all anyone has to do is trust and obey him--he will supply the riches. May the Lord help those who do not know him before it is eternally too late. Amen. With the exception of the devout among those who hold the non-resistance doctrine, even though the Italian Romanists have their add-on's and take-away's from the Holy Scriptures through their tradition, which is abominable, if not intolerable to us, they are generally amiable to one another, and through my observation, have a stronger bond together than the non-Romanists. Although some of their men may be obligated to other (previous) women, they seem to be superior as to keeping their own women from other extra-marital and promiscuous involvement. However, I do not have any definite statistics, but I have seen many broken (with defiled women) homes of our own. This should be a strong indication to us that we have a moral and social deficiency! God can reveal Himself and become a witness to people by the way a Godly and disciplined individual behaves, by a God loving, undefiled and orderly family that puts the other member of the family before himself or herself, and by the collective social expression of harmlessness through groups of families and individuals serving their Lord and one another.
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Bulletin Board Say "Nope" to the "pope"! Working together  Slick Willy's War
Catholic and Protestant Political Unity--Hope for the Races

We must not become militarily or intrusively involved in Mideast problems.

Benjamin Freedman:


No Gentile should be a blood-monger for the foothold of Palestine!

The War Continues:
The white man is deceived if he thinks he is fighting for "freedom" of his people when he is militarily inter-mixed with blacks, Hispanics and other non-whites who manifestly resist his freedom through Affirmative Action and other white-race-abdication policies! His real battle is to resist being treated as a foreigner, a person expected to have fewer rights than a descendant of the founders of the civilization. Our battle is spiritual, political and missionary, not mercenary.