The Lord brought judgment upon David for his wickedness; he and his posterity suffered, "Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house" (II Sa. 12:10). God brought troubles (defilement that could not be reconciled – Dt. 24:4) upon David within his own house and his immediate surroundings (II Sa. 12:11). The Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife bare to David, and the child died (II Sa. 12:18). David's daughter, Tamar, was raped (II Sa. 13:14). Absalom killed Ammon, his brother, for the outrageous act he committed against his sister (II Sa. 13: 28, 29). Absalom was eventually killed (II Sa. 18:9). All this heartache came upon David because he did not follow God's commandment--"Thou shalt not commit adultery" (Ex. 20:14).
David repented of the sin, and his fellowship was restored with God. Of course, he could not bring Uriah back to life and restore his victim's marriage, but he was sorry for what he had done and recognized his error. He did not deny his mistake and try to cover up his actions afterward nor did he just give up; he was ready to try again (Ps. 51). God had used Nathan the prophet to turn the king's direction back to Himself. Since Bathsheba's husband was no longer alive, she was no longer bound to him as a wife; (note) I Cor. 7:39, and David was lawfully permitted to keep her as a wife. Afterward, he continued to live the precious, obedient life that he once lived but his life was not the same that it had been before.
God faithfully fulfilled his promises of good still to David, but nevertheless, David's life suffered severe affliction. Even though God had freely given him many good things, he paid a tremendous price for his sin. Eventually, Israel and Judah began to war against one another. The sins of people bring God's judgment. Adultery is a plague to an individual and nation, murder is a plague to an individual and nation, and sin is a plague to an individual and nation.
There is only one righteous way of dissolving a sinful sexual relationship--repentance! Repentance means making a "change" from sin unto obeying God, making a change by doing things God's way, by listening to God's direction, by listening to God's word--the Holy Bible. I hope there is not anything in your life preventing you from carrying out the great commission or delighting in the will of the Lord with joy. God desires that you have the very best in life--which only comes through recognition of God's commandments, followed with obedience.
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