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Spiritual Wickedness in High Places: The Jewish Materalistic View


According to Benjamin Freedman, Germany suffered because of WW I, WW II and afterward needlessly. However, the Jewish had previously already wandered into the enemy nations of Germany in their scattering-into-the-nations adventures; it is not a great surprise that these countries had been influenced financially and materialistically by them.

Britan and the U.S.A. fought desperately against Germany, being taught by the controlled media that they were fighting an enemy against freedom.

International interest-based finance is a stumbling block to national prosperity, and an enslavement to the people. Before WW II, Germany had developed a successful, non-usury, non-interest based finance system

The destruction of Germany may have been one of the last major obstructions for the Jewish to obtain international control. The world is entrenched with the Jewish materialistic view and propaganda today.


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