the Masses concerning |
The Threat of Intrusion
and Our Persecution:
The vast majority of black respondents expressed a preference for integrated neighborhoods that was half black and half white. 13 out of 20 listed “50% Black” as their first choice. Conversely, only 1 said that their first preference would be an “All Black” neighborhood. Furthermore, 100 percent of the black respondents said they were willing to live in a neighborhood that was half white and half black. Ninety percent of black respondents were even willing to enter a neighborhood that was as much as 75% white. However, only 35% of black respondents said they were willing to enter an all white neighborhood. Eleven of 20 stated an “All White” neighborhood was their “last choice.”1 Works Cited: The Virtue of Theodemocracy and Homogeneous Population Christianity Promoting,
Non-Race-Abdicating Military Leaders: |