Angels and The Ministry of God's PeopleSince the beginning and Adam and Eve, God's people have been influenced by angels (some good, and some demons): without the help of the angel of the Lord the Hebrews could not have survived the Assyrian threat. He destroyed a large army miraculously and made Sennacherib retreat. Also, Christians could not have understood the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, which was patrilineal Hebrew as to inheritance even as Numbers 36:5-13 also requires. The people of Israel (Hebrews) were saved through faith promoted by the prophet Isaiah who believed in divine protection. (Isaiah 38:5–7) Joseph was instructed by an angel to accept Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. God's ministry is through fulfillment of the law, which we need to learn for better success, and it is divine, demographic, racial, cultural, prophetic and angelic.
Links: Birth Of The Lord Jesus Christ Why The Written Torah Fails Without Faith In Jesus The Christ A Non-Hebrew Return Is Not Justified Hebrew Patrilineal Succession Requirement Singer Isaiah Misinterpretation Warning To The Hebrews: Loss Of Their Posterity Futile Jewish Matrilineal Quest For Hebrew/Jew Identity Christian Ethno Community: Separation, Not Racial Nihilism