A Hesedken Site Presentation
Promoting The Torah Of Moses, Not The Jewish Talmud


Divorce (in order to annul) is biblically only permitted under certain circumstances. A unchaste woman that marries a man would be one instance of an illicit relationship that could not be morally sustained. Relationships defiled as such should be annulled.

Every married man has a responsibility to keep his wife under every circumstance, except one, “ ... except it be for fornication … ” (Mt. 19.9): if his wife is unchaste, that is, if his wife has partaken in a sexual act with someone else--this is fornication. Then, and only then, is the husband lawfully (according to the Bible) to put away his wife, and to give her a bill of divorcement. Logically, if a woman, has committed a sin of fornication with someone, a bill of divorcement does not induce her to become unchaste--she has already committed the act which defiled her. Explanation …

A remarriage (matter of adultery) is not morally sustainable and should be annulled. Fundamentally, from a synoptical viewpoint, there are two distinct acts, the one subsequent to the other, which constitute adultery. The first act is a sin of “putting away” because the Scripture says the husband “shall cleave to his wife” (Gn. 2:24); and also, that no one should separate what God has yoked together (Mk. 10:9)--”one flesh” (Gn. 2:24). The second sinful act, “marry another”, is subsequent to the first. It also contradicts I Cor. 7:10, 11. The Lord Jesus explained that going beyond divorce so as to “marry another” constitutes adultery:

Mark 10:10 And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. 11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. 12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

So, clearly, remarriage is adultery and against the teaching of the Lord. Explanation …

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Officials Of Religious Organizations Who Should Annul Their Illegitimate Relationships

Prophet” R. G. Stair: Mr. Stair remarried a woman called by the name of Teresa. I heard a report that she left him, but even so, they should have the remarriage officially annulled. Their separation is just, but moral separation alone does not nullify legal responsibilities, which is necessary to advance the repentance and restoration process further.

Officials Of Religious Organizations Who Should Re-unite Their Relationships

A chaste Roman Catholic priest that has married (had sex with) a virgin and divorced her should renounce his ministry position if necessary because the obligation of fulfilling the marriage responsibility is required but his ministry position isn't. The male minister should not put away his wife because the Scripture says the husband “shall cleave to his wife” (Gn. 2:24); and also, that no one should separate what God has yoked together (Mk. 10:9)--”one flesh” (Gn. 2:24).

Re-unification of the Roman Catholic priest and his former wife would be proper as long as the female partner has not had sex with anyone else. In case they can't live compatibly, and separate, neither would be allowed to remarry. Legalizing an annulment would not justify their divorce nor allow remarriage.

Scripture is always the authority, not a board decision or a minister of a religious organization! Below is an example of how erring ministers make the law of God void:

A good example of “an annulment” that could be given on solid grounds would be if a woman were to “marry” (through no fault of her own) a man whom she later discovered to be a validly ordained priest. Since priests cannot enter into matrimony (canon 1972),4 the union between this priest and the woman was not a valid marriage. She would be given a decree of nullity that she was never married. She would be free to marry another person.

This quote was taken from “28. The Annulment Fiasco – The Vatican II Sect’s De Facto acceptance of Divorce and Remarriage” on website page http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/28_Annulments.pdf on Aug. 12, 2013.

Marriages Due to Irresponsible Religious Leadership Should Be Annulled

John Piper said talking about Jesus, “If he has blotted out all of that sexual sin, I'm going to blot out all of that sexual sin."1 To self-righteously justify a work of the flesh (Gal. 5:19) and a promotion for fornication, making God's forgiveness for repentance of sin as an excuse, is mockery of God. Jesus promoted marital cleanliness and unity; he never promoted fornication. As a matter in fact, he said it was the only exception to not divorcing (Mt. 19.9).

Every married man has a responsibility to keep his wife under every circumstance, except one, “ ... except it be for fornication … ” (Mt. 19.9): if his wife is unchaste, that is, if his wife has partaken in a sexual act with someone else--this is fornication. Then, and only then, is the husband lawfully (according to the Bible) to put away his wife, and to give her a bill of divorcement. Logically, if a woman, has committed a sin of fornication with someone, a bill of divorcement does not induce her to become unchaste--she has already committed the act which defiled her.

Mr. Piper's view of “faith” and “justification” is distorted: “To know justification by faith alone ... ”.2 Surprisingly, previously, he said to the effect that he and his wife had not had sex before marriage but yet he was irritated about her kissing a high school male. Sure seems like he doesn't care about anyone else having sex before marriage though! He seems to irresponsibly prescribe for others what he didn't choose for himself; that is not pure love. If you have an illegitimate marriage because of listening to such men, you should have it annulled.

1, 2 “How Should a Couple Considering Marriage Deal With Sexual Sins From Previous Relationships?” Taken from the webpage (hyperlinked) on Aug. 12, 2013.

Fornication-avoiding testimonies: Men, Women

Beware of Heretics:

Brother R.G. Stair

Reverend Billy Graham
Corruption In His Organization

Pat Robertson

David Wilkerson

Deuteronomy 24:4 Irreparable Marriage

Female chastity and prevention of defilement does have to do with our day. More details.... Dt. 24 is very relevant.

Let us never allow youth be encouraged to accept impurity. Our children must be taught the precept of female chastity and purity so they will keep themselves from defilement.

Feminine Grace and Encouraging Weak Men

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