Government, on a more broad scale, and parents, on a small scale, are related as to both being structural units involving the lives of people. Therefore, parenting children is a good analogy: Good parents don't provide for their nephews, nieces, or children of a stranger before their own children: parental responsibilities must come first--their own children must come first. Then, if there is anything left over, it is at the charity, mercy and grace of the parents to do with it as they desire. A parent is considered worse than an infidel if he doesn't provide for his own children (I Tim. 5:8). A good parent doesn't give his children's food away and leave them to ask for crumbs. How much credibility does a political leader or a justice have who abandons the heirs of the nation that provides his office? Or how much credibility does his supporters and those who have an influence upon him have as faithful, loyal, honest, law abiding citizens? There is a moral to provide for the disabled, who is not able to work; but there is a moral and required ethic to provide for one's own first!

The collapse of the nation and its sovereignty has continued. In ancient days, Jesus himself was not excluded from those that received tribute (Mt. 17:24-27). Impliedly, a nation keeps its people free through taxing strangers. Ironically, immigrants come into the USA and take the benefits of the taxes paid by the heirs, and worse yet, some of the heirs themselves can't afford those benefits! The government has not only advantaged the non-heirs or anti-heirs through Affirmative Action and reverse discrimination, but it has also advantaged the immigrants, and special interest groups through redistributing the wealth of the heirs. Our many easy-to-shape, flimsy (desperate-for-support) congressmen, and spineless (as to good judgment) justices, who are not necessarily reprobate but evidently lack the desire for ecclesiastical enlightenment, have suffered from undue influence, distress of violence and fear, if not fraud, by treasonous corrupters who desire to meet their own ends, even at the cost of overthrowing a nation (even though admittedly, it had its faults, many of them, even as all other national institutions do) that was established by leaders who were once highly influenced by Christian integrity and loyalty to its heirs.

Perhaps we can't do anything about these things; but then again, with your help perhaps we can!

For now, practically, there are many changes we can make on our own. It is urgent that we initiate a school system wherein our children and others that are brought into the fold will escape bewilderment and opposition to the knowledge of God. We must teach them from a perspective based on the Scriptures, no subversions and no perversions! Even though in a previous letter I did suggest concerning the uniting of denominations, including the Roman Catholics, so as to separate ourselves from the wicked perversions and subversions of the government (public) school system, in no way was I suggesting that we expose our own children to any other form of perversion, or traditions that are not based on the Scripture. On the other hand, I do want to help any one escape from within the Roman Catholic Church, if I possibly can, but by all means without endangering the prospective holiness of our own children. Nevertheless, inspired parents, however few they may be, need to begin doing something now, especially as to raising and preparing their children in the love of God at home. Inspired church leaders, even fewer than the parents, need to make appointments with other inspired church leaders and form a committee. Steps must be taken to unite and deliver Christians and others from evil while we have opportunity. If necessary, it is time for us to acquire strength from weakness, and to act in holiness and unity. At least, get your own souls right with God; terrible times are coming!

In Christian love and concern,

Br. Ken

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