Racial Strife Will Always Be Present, Especially When The Anti-Christian Media Is There To Divide Peoples; But We Christians Can Take Steps To Develop Ourselves Through Our Own Communities

Why doesn't white Justin Barker have teams of lawyers running to his aid as the black students do? Has our white race become so desensitized to the needs of our people that even our whimpy lawyers are too egotistical to join together or afraid to stand up for at least equal justice or our own race! We believe all races should love their own first, and considering that, terms for social and inter-racial justice may be sought. Unfortunately, it seems the whites are the only racial group that don't have political and mass legal representation or mainstream media support. Isn't this unfairness just another example that demonstrates to us that segregation is more convenient than integration to prevent racial injustice, or appropriate justice among one's own!

As we live in a world that can never agree, in the mean time, let's make a living environment that we can agree upon: join a community garden. Making ideals come true is progress. View our general plan.



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