(This is not a personal letter.) DECENCY AND ORDER Though I find the "charismatic faith" more acceptable than the some-gifts doctrine, there seems to be a dilemma concerning church order. God is a God of order; he is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33). The Lord set the earth, sun, and stars in their place--astronomical order. He placed the church to announce the manifold wisdom of God unto the civil authorities--prophetic order (Eph. 3:10). He placed men under civil authority--civil order. He placed the man to be the head of the wife--marital order. He placed the master above the servant--economico-social order. In all God's creation there is an order, and a divine plan for mankind to follow without disorder and confusion. The inspired written word of God, the Holy Bible, is the authoritative source of becoming order within the church; in this instance particularly, the assembly. It seems to me that since the church is a collective witness for Jesus, that it should have beauty of concordant pattern sparkling as a diamond. To the contrary, as I have surveyed the churches through my pilgrimage, I have found them in a sad, and wanting condition so many times. I hope that I do not sound as a harsh critic--because I love my brethren, and I desire the best for our spiritual family. Unfortunately, it is among the some-gifts people as though one might glorify God for his creative power, and yet not attribute him fully for healing power in sickness. God is the same today as yesterday, and tomorrow: He is the Almighty One in any particular instant of time.
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