Following is an excerpt from a precious friend and evangelist, who as I remember, once belonged to a warring tribe, but practiced harmlessness after his conversion to Jesus (before I became acquainted with him). His English was not as proficient as educated, Americans', but if you study what he tried to say, you will realize he meant well and had a concern for lost souls. When he said, "I am very happy to inform", I believe he meant he was relieved to inform me, expecting and hoping I could help him with materials so he could give to enlighten the unlearned and lost. I also believe he meant that he was grateful to God that he had come unto the knowledge of the Lord, and he realized faith by hearing was necessary for .html salvation--God does not excuse ignorance.

He eventually became a Greek New Testament student during our relationship. However, I never received the outreach materials he desired or the financial aid to help him make his own, except for what little I could personally give to him.

I have been concerned. Unfortunately, many Christians in Africa have been prone to regional Moslem harm due to lack of appropriate government protection in hostile civil environments. Wild life, disease, poverty and perhaps lack of food, are other issues. We used to communicate regularly with one another, but something happened, whatever the reason may be--I have not heard from him in about 10 years.

Let us not forget to show our love and concern for our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Amen.

Mail from Nigeria

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