Prayer for Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump

Kiawah, SC: Pope conversation starts at around one hour, ten minutes...

Mr Trump,

There is only one faith--belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. People may believe many different things but their belief is not always faithful. The creed of the Council of Nicaea simply explains what a Christian should believe ( Furthermore, the pope is not an authority on faith. Many wonder whether he is even saved. The Roman Catholics believe in religion, but not necessarily truth. Here is an example of Roman Catholic erring sexual doctrine: They do not follow the leading of the Apostle Paul concerning deaconship either ( Also, Roman Catholicism wasn't charitable toward the martyrs who tried to save people, but the pope feigns righteousness through his misdirection as he advances invasion of the sovereignty of others.

There are some questionable things in your life as to remarriage ( and family ( sins. Beware of false light: So, to be safe Sir, I would suggest that you do more Bible study and self-examination, and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal himself to you until you are sure you have faith and salvation.


Dear Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. We know terrible times are coming upon our world and country. We ask that you bless and encourage Mr. Trump in his attempt to correct the injustices in the government of the USA and subsequently other nations also. (We see no hope or refreshment in the "establishment" candidates and deliberate destruction.) We ask that you bless each and everyone of us that we become personally closer to you and the Lord Jesus Christ in our walk. We know we may not always appear as nice guys when we do right and follow good sense. Help those that are weak and do not understand blessed establishment and institution principles to become better individuals through biblical and righteous reproofs. Amen.


Father in heaven, we also ask that you protect Mr. Trump and his family from political enemies and those who would harm them. We thank you Lord for all your good things. Amen.


Mr. Trump has fallen off the make-Am3rica-great-again wagon by joining with anti-Christians. A true American leader must stand for Christianity and its founder-heir, working politcally on internal problems, not Internationalist, one-world-rule (global) opportunities. Joining with anti-Christian, Herzl matrilinealists (Israel) is a sin and against the advice of our great theologian Martin Luther: “You ought not, you cannot protect them, unless in the eyes of God you want to share all their abomination." Lord, help us not fall into sin due to anti-Christian hegemony, amen.. Establish my life occurrences in your word, and do not let any iniquity rule over me.” (Psalm 119:133)

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