Tara is one of the Alt Right's most loved and leading proponents. However, she is human. She has her faults as we all do. Regardless, I want to encourage her and others to go on and work our problems out with God.

We live in a tyrannous day when the demonic elite want to destroy homogeneity, the family institution and all good things that God has given us. It has discouraged and caused many of us to fall from happy, good places in life. We face a continuous, terrible threat of pollution of our race and culture through the treasonous deployment of immigration intrusion. Men suffering the lack of ability to get good jobs, and to comfort their wives and children at home, can't enjoy the sovereignty, autonomy and leadership we used to have; we are made 2nd class citizens. In all this, we have personal hardships to overcome also. We must look unto Jesus the Christ for our help.

Some of my thoughts and posts to Miss Anonymous' page:

Tara, "god of your choice" is like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. It will lead to missing out on God. God wants people to know him personally, and that can only come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, not any god but the real God. As for drug addiction rehabilitation, try Teen Challenge... https://www.hesedken.com/addiction_negative/support_map.html I will continue to pray for you Tara.

Tara, I believe you are a great proponent for the Alt Right. However, Ethno-Nationalism must include the inherent elements of racial and cultural homogeneity. I really believe we need men leaders, and Christian men at that to turn the helm as we sojourn amidst the globalist tyranny that we now have to live in. Great women as yourself, Brittany, Bre, and the many other lovely women helping us out must continue to inspire, but decision-making belongs to Godly men whether it be for a family, community or nation. We can't be white and Hindu, we have to be white and Christian. Otherwise, it would all end in futility. https://www.hesedken.com/community/community_model.html

Tara, always remember I love you. Others love you. We are glad you are with us now, and want you always to be. Don't ever feel suicidal again, you have no need or reason to. Ronda Rousey (https://www.hesedken.com/christian_confession/be_water.html) was a great athlete and weapon but she isn't near as attractive as you are in some ways. She thought about suicide but she has evidently at least so far overcome it. God always has something better, and His love for you is so great, as many Christians know and have realized in their own lives. Remember, God loves you, and wants you to come to Him. Give Him all your problems, just ask him into your life to help you with your good times and the things that discourage you. Prayer: Father in heaven, we ask in the name of Jesus the Christ that you help Tara come unto you and that she will put her trust in You for all things. Amen. Learn His commandments and ask Him to help you follow them: https://www.hesedken.com/torah/ten_commandments.html Put your faith in God and his anointed (Jesus the Christ). Read the New Testament and be baptized: https://www.hesedken.com/anointing/baptized.html

Posts from her page What To Do If You're Feeling Demoralized?

Languages: We should teach our children Greek and Hebrew, biblical languages. If we raise doctors and physicists and othe things for men and housewives for women, we can let our children choose their own modern languages. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYkJYrBvAuY Hopefully, the USA can deport many Hispanics and we will not need to be bilingual in our own country. Support Trump's RAISE program.

Summing up:

Suicide is grievous. It is never God's will that a person take his own life; it is the devil who discourages. People suffer from mental pain. Some may get to a point they think life is more than they can bear. Too painful to bear. It really isn't and especially to a person who has fellowship with our savior and Lord Jesus Christ. However, if we fail to reach, correct and lift up that person who is suffering psychologically, we know what can happen and experience the emotions, pain and grief we go through.

It is not lack of talent or greatness that causes suicide; it is a spiritual deficiency and lack of hope. Some women have taken toxic pills to avoid being raped, defiled and polluted by wicked and perverse, invading armies. Their chastity and integrity was cherished. Some great military men have killed themselves so as to prevent being captured by an enemy. Instead of facing the interrogation and consequences at the lack of mercy of their opponents, they stopped the chance of their adversaries delighting in their humiliation and pain of punishment.

Sadly, a person choosing his own death to end or escape worse pain cannot be morally justified from us who possess faith, hope and love because we rather let the enemy take our lives enduring hardship, even if it is battling in self-defense, and not take our own lives.

More on death... https://www.hesedken.com/condolence/condolence.html


Why Christians Cannot Join Miss Anonymous

25 Points

Affirmative Action Destroys The Family Institution

Our Sexual Morals Have Fallen

Community And Finance

Christian Community

What Screwed America Up

Repentance And Purity Standard Necessary

Christian Issues

Purity As Part Of Justice Needed

Alex Jones' Genocide Propaganda

The Racial Compact

The Jewish Are Not Jews/Hebrews

White Male Displacement and Mission Life

Military Draft For Women

Father's Day Gift: Ministry

The Land Of Milk And Honey

Abraham Lincoln's Race Jeopardization For Opportunity

Karl Marx And White Hatred

New World Order Influence Upon Sex

Race And IQ

Hybrids And Achievement Of Dominant Race

Noah's Blessing Upon The White Man

Sex Thought: Protestant VS Roman Catholic

Explaining The Definition Of Hate

Is It OK To Be A Vegan?

Tracing America's Downfall

Government Disallowed Self-Preservation And Morality