Working Together

We do not think of ourselves as a legalistic bureaucracy, but rather a loving and helpful brotherhood. Therefore, membership is proven through acceptance and co-operation with the (the instructions and guidance at our sites), not by filling out a written form. Please remember that it is necessary however for you to register at some of our sites so we can maintain a degree of security. We believe those that want to work with us will help us in the many good ways suggested and mentioned at the several sites.

At your convenience, I would like to recommend that you visit our forums. At this site alone, you will find much information. Also pray to God to show you how and whom to send our sermons and pages (identified by our url, name or initials) on the internet.  Your help is so much appreciated.

By the way, if you just are interested in showing someone part of our site, be our guest and send them the url.

Furthermore, you may download as many or as much as you like of our sites on the web to a diskette and send them to pastors, teachers, friends and others you want to bless.  (Make sure that the you do not download anyone else's page without their permission that may just be linked to our site.) That is a good way to reach people that have not found our site yet. 

Also, to those who may not have access to the internet, you may print them directly from Netscape or Explorer and send them through the postal mail alone or along with your message. We also have a free disk for those who have a computer but do not have internet access.

Please remember, we are living in an apostate era, if you want to reprove an erring person or minister, or inspire another, this is the site they should visit!

Once again, Thanks.

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