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The Ezran Preacher on the Cross

As the Ezran preacher takes up his own cross and follows Jesus, the witnesses stand by watching the suffering. You have the Affirmative Actionists enjoying the pain of the crucified and his innocent children for providing for their own. You have the pseudo-philosophical, Talmudicist Jewish who were warned in the law that those who do not obey righteousness will be repaid for their evil works. As these misfitingly enjoy benefits, they gaze the agony on the cross and jab with their spear of willful disobedience and atrocity against the Gentile or messianic believer. Then there are the Romanists, who have accepted counterfeit religion, following the political side with power, looking upon the tormented. They teach their own not to hold values as the one enduring persecution that they may prevent miscegenation and solidify the homogeneity of race because it will divide their organization. These look upon the cross, some with admiration, some not. Making the agony worse, there are also the sell-out Nordish, advertizing perversity as they walk ignorantly with those who lust upon their naivety and destroy them, adding affliction to their race. You also have the position getter politician. She looks upon the suffering as a fool for purity, honor, manliness, honesty, love, kindness, virtue, holiness and righteousness. Or more appropriately, if it is a male, he looks upon with distaste for the deliberate, selfless, alternative of missing comfort, shift of ego, prestige, power, and wealth for the sake of God's will. Oh, the suffering is so great as time and neglect wear down the preacher.

The preacher, hanging upon the cross, is thirsty for the water of relief, but only the faithful care for him. These are kept back from helping him by the strength of the adversaries. Knowing the persecution of themselves and their loved ones, they continue on in faithfulness to their God and humanity. They take up their cross also.  Their reward is blessing in eternity. Halleluyah.

The reward of the disobedient is misery and torment for ever. Amen.





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(Mt. 28:19, 20)  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen

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