Understanding how to determine who is a Hebrew is found within the Torah, Numbers 36:5-13. Having a drop of Hebrew tribal blood does not make a Hebrew. Did the Hebrews have sex and children with Blacks? If so, unlawfully according to Nehemiah 10:30. He specifically mentioned the sin of Solomon in Ne. 13:26. However, being partially a descendant of a Hebrew does not in itself make the child a Hebrew. See Ezra 10:3. If patrilineal law is not followed continually and consecutively on both sides of the marriage, then the offspring is polluted beyond being restored to a Hebrew family. Ruth was an exception from the norm. The Hebrews are extinct today.

The same principles apply to all the Herzl Matrilinealists whether they be Sephardim, Ashkenazim or other subraces or mixtures. A Hebrew is biblically defined racially, and became extinct through miscegenation and forsaking of the patrilineal law (Dt. 4:2, Nu. 36:5-13). As you may notice in the video below, the speaker is not even concerned with race. The modern Jewish are not a Hebrew people even if they have a drop or more of Semitic blood, and their matrilineal law attests to it.

The Hebrews eventually became extinct. Today, you may have irreligious ethnicities claiming to be Jews, but if you study the Scriptures, genetics and genealogy, you will realize that is impossible.


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