Promoting biblical ethnocentricity by religious means through self discipline, political, legal and social vision, righteously honoring tribal laws with a strong, protective isolation and nurture ethic without the respecting of persons within the assembly of all believers. By preserving and cultivating race and Christian culture we teach and implement Biblical principles that bless all peoples.

We believe in doing unto to others as we would have them do unto us (especially  in the respect of national inheritance of the heir and religious hegemony) in our attempt to restore due white Christian leadership in their homelands, and that races that do not repent which have been blessed through the Christian Nordish race governments and have subverted or enabled them  with diversity lawlessnesses will eventually bring about their own destruction also through their treachery and other sins.

We are famous for exposing and revealing the difference between an early antiChristian Jew and the modern, fraudulent "Jewish" person, an antiChristian biological impostor and patriarchal inheritance thief.

Psalm 122: 6 "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee."



Protest Against Forced Land Acquisition

Hesedken believes in the Torah, not the Talmud, a contradicting and blasphemous commentary. Believing in the Torah means also believing in post-Torah writings, including the Old and New Testament.

I want to remind you of this so as you may see that Christians are different from "Jewish" people, who are merely antiChristians or Talmudicists. (There is a sect that generally denounces the Talmud and claims the Torah, but they also deny the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Talmudicists.) You can't be a Christian and Jewish at the same time. Note, of course, Jesus reproved against such unbelief. He also exhorted about the sin unto death.

After the Roman dispersion, it seems the antiChristian Jews (patrilineal descendants of the Hebrew race) did not remain together very well as a pure, biological, race. Eventually, they may have miscegenated with other races and proselytes, making void the covenant of Ezra and the Torah, as some earlier, apostate Jews also did in BC times. Perhaps there were some who did not miscegenate, but DNA results have not given any encouragement as to a large group of people belonging to a pure, Israeli-patrilineal, genetic lineage today. As a matter in fact, there are no known Hebrews and it seems they are extinct. (If you look for the 144,000 in your eschatology, study James 1:1 and history of the uniting of the twelve tribes after Jesus was resurrected.)

There has also been taken into account that many people today called "Jewish" may have derived from eastern Europe, or a Turkic group originally known as the Khazars, not Israel. Some of these assumed descendents have been reported as to not have Semitic biological traits at all. Benjamin Freedman, a great and honest Jewish defector, said speaking of the Khazars as he was referring to the Ashkenazi Jew, "There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land". Many of this particular group may have been susceptible to miscegenation also. Nevertheless, regardless of a drop of Semitic blood blood or not, it doesn't matter; a Hebrew was determined by his genetic continuity (Ezra 10) and his parents remaining under patrilineal law, which none of the “Jewish” have done. There are no Jews/Hebrews today.

Even though some so-called Jewish groups may never have had any and others may have lost their racial integrity, such chose to call themselves Jews (a misnomer) although contradictorily either their miscegenation and resultant genetic characteristics or lack of Israeli-Semitic traits to begin with had disqualified them from membership acceptability of the patriarchal race. Such people should properly be called "Alternative Jewish" people, not Jews. These peoples can not qualify as the Hebrew Semitic race that expelled its miscegenation deviates nor do they follow the Ezran Covenant; they are members of an antiChristian conglomerate. They love their Herzl, matrilineal Babel myth and to deceive and oppose Christians.

However, even though the Jewish are inherently Torah-rebellious and a racially nihilistic people, the psychological and emotional influence of such biological frauds has been very effective and detrimental. Theological and geo-demographic misconception throughout the world may have unnecessarily allowed (enabled) negatively influenced revolutions. Articulation and description beyond renaissance Christians' warnings were needed. Consequently, the unwarranted Balfour Declaration and world wars followed.

Martin Luther warned against aiding antiChristians (Jewish people) and sharing their abomination. Millions have been killed in wars because people did not understand how to decide whom God favors and whom he has wrath, whom he blesses and whom he curses, whom they should take heed to and whom they should disregard. The USA and the world are now experiencing mongrelization affliction due to being misled by antiChristian, Zionist Jewish hegemony.

Naive and passive non-Jewish people were deceived and misled by the Jewish Torah-apostasy and inaccurately called the non-Hebrew, non-early-Israelite and mixed peoples Jews--even though it was easy to tell some were mongrels or people of various races. This is why today many consider the myth and generally think of the Jewish person as a legitimate Jew heretically also when specifically, for at least a very large percentage, the racial, genetic and religious heritage is quite different from the New Testament era, antiChristian Jew. The modern "Jewish" person is not a qualified, genetic and Torah-acceptable member of God's chosen people of the Old Testament. So the deceived people who accept the "Jewish" heresy are actually part of the heresy and ignorantly collaborate with the irreligious impostors.

Truth is a required premise to establish justice, not the Talmud, public-school teaching or propaganda. The Nordish race (and especially its religious and political leaders) must not fight a spiritual battle with professed, Jewish antiChristians on the hypothesis of being a legitimate member of the Hebrew patrilineal lineage because they are biologically deficient and don't qualify genetically as a Jew (Hebrew). Neither do such religiously, contra-cultural people prove themselves as Torah-acceptable goyim or proselytes according to the covenant established at the Ezran congregation. Very simply, Jewish people are not a chosen race; they are a deceived conglomerate of irreligious peoples with great hegemony due to a lack of biblical racial-law knowledge, and genetic-scientific ignorance of the unlearned whom they have deceived.

In order to get a better grasp of who is a Jew, it may take some historical and biblical research. This will also help you make important decisions, especially spiritual, if you learn how to distinguish people from a genetic and religious background.

There has been many changes in the last 2000 years.

Jews As A Race: Patrilineal Genetic And Genealogical Integrity During The Early Church Era

During New Testament times, it was possible for a person to be a Jew ( a subrace through patrilineal succession of the sons of Jacob) and a Christian at the same time: We know this because the Apostle Paul was an Israelite (through Jacob) concerning the flesh. He was of the patrilineal succession of Benjamin--"an Hebrew of the Hebrews". (Phil. 3.5) There were many Hebrew people at that time, and Paul mentioned his own genealogy convincing his contemporaries and others as to those trusting "in the flesh" (Phil 3.4) that he was tribally eligible and acceptable. The Jews were a race descending from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah with laws concerning demographics, race and progeny.

Jewishness As A Contra-culture: Not A Race

Today, the the term "Jew" has been misattributed to peoples that have not descended from the patrilineal succession of the historic Israelite subrace. Actually, many people consider themselves "Jewish" if there mother was a convert from any nation or religion. Basically, Jewishness or Talmudicism has to do with false religion that holds the Torah in name but opposes the ancient law, especially patrilineal succession law. The Jewish blaspheme Christianity; and their Talmud studies are generally a form of indoctrination of antiChristianity. The Jewish religion is not a religion of a specific race; it is Torah and covenant apostasy that pertains to a conglomerate of antiChristians from various races or mixtures. This is a big difference compared to Ezran era Judaism, spiritually, and genetically speaking also!

There are basically two types of geographical implementation and religious-redemption thought between Jewish antiChristians: Zionism and anti-Zionism.


Well, now that I have given you a brief explanation of the difference of the modern Jewish person and the early Jew, you may see another side of Jewish antiChristianity: the anti-Zionist. Although without faith it is impossible to please God and the wrath of God is upon those who reject Jesus Christ the Lord, these Jewish people surpass for the better their unbelieving competitors among the synagogue of Satan, oppose and withstand some of the aggressive, lawlessness of modern Israel and Zionism. Their comments may help you see how deceptive hetero-racial or mongrel Jewishness and Zionism is. The links are below.

Invalidity Of Modern Judaism To Rights Of Possession Of Israel

Whether AntiChristian, Zionist or Anti-Zionist, both Jewish groups are part of modern, illegitimate and fraudelent Judaism, which is heretical and contrary to the Ezran Covenant. Modern Judaism is a contra-racial religion in direct opposition to patrilineal inheritance succession and genealogical authority. As such, the Torah has been made void and the rightful inheritance of the nation of Israel has not been instituted.


Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum against Zionism Heresy
Satmar Jews Against Zionism
Jewish anti-Zionist sect visits Iran to express support
Rabbi Teitelbaum on the Agudah

When Israel Expelled The "Jewish"

Future Israel