If I were to draw up a document for a Japhethic Christian ethno-community, it would be similar as follows:

The Japhethic, Christian Ethno-Community

    Racial Homogeneity: We want all Japhethites to have a place to live among themselves in their homelands, a place for whites to enjoy the partnership of other Japhethic whites and to have a white posterity. In the United States that would assume private farmlands or reservations of some sort with Internet communication available. All members must be required to be at least 87 ½ per cent white (Japhethic).

    An exception to racial homogeneity rule would be to allow other races with multi-lateral values of homogeneity to live there until they had enough members to develop their own homogeneous community. A high dominant-race percentage would be required of the non-Japhethic races also; hybrids of a low dominant-race percentage cannot be accepted. Of course tribal homogeneity respect would be required and no inter-racial romance (Shechemism) would be tolerated among existing races. The beginning, most numerous people of one race would determine a racial community and the accepted people of other races would be able to live there with respect to the hosting group and their leadership and racial advancement. Unacceptable disagreement with the desire of separation even as in Nehemiah 9:2, 13:3, Ezra 10:3 and other righteous reasons and leadership of the hosting community would be evident reason for excommunication and departure of an antagonist and perhaps reason for all dissenters to begin a group elsewhere. Ideas of multi-racialism and multi-culturalism are in direct contradiction to our enterprise.

    Phenotype would be a basic and simple way of establishing racial distance. A register and demographic location should be required for all three races if necessary. It would prevent the centuries “Jew” myth, and establish genetics and genealogy as part of homogeneous demographics. The only person or group required to prove their genealogy (Ezra 2:61-63) without a broken link in the pedigree chain back to the time of Ezra and Nehemiah would be the one who claimed to be a “Jew”.

    Religion and Ethnic Culture: Christianity must be determined through Scriptural authority. Anyone holding to the Jewish or Roman Catholic religion is reason for disqualification. Our guidance must come from the Holy Scriptures: The Christian ethno-community concept cannot be divided by Roman Catholicism and rule from Rome. (Acts 15) The elders and apostles were established in Jerusalem, not Italy. We must follow men of the paper (Scriptures), not men of the cloth. Men err, the Scriptures do not. Therefore, we realize adverse religions can't really agree, so we must draw the line at the start.

    An exception to the adverse religion denial would be to those willing to convert from religions that divert from Christianity to complete respect of the Bible as the sole authority of moral and ethic. Therefore, the community could possibly consist of people of different colors and different religious backgrounds, however, respect of the homogeneity rule would be the deciding factor.

    Honor of Two Genders: Gender must be defined through birth nature having precedence. Generally, men must be providers and women homekeepers. Male and female attributes are manifested in a decent and orderly way through the design and judgment of our Creator. Abomination (male effeminacy or desire of the same sex, or female hardness and ferocity), mockery tolerance and defiance of the Lord would be reason for excommunication.

    Pure and loving marriage would be protected through guarantors and proper wedding ceremony.

    Finance: Members would have to agree to join financially and legally to build or buy real estate and supplies. No usury shall be tolerated among one another. We can only tolerate a form of husbandry and restricted capitalism to be the basis of our finance system, putting the values of racial homogeneity and perpetual inheritance first. Imperialistic oppression and totalitarianism must be avoided. See the George Orwell documentary.

    Work: Every male member should have a job. If the community is built on a collective farm, the members of the determined-race community must have right to the superior jobs on the farm. If it is a white farm, the white has superiority, if it is a black or other race farm, they have the right to superior position. The idea is to build together multi-lateral communities and that those of inferior positions will be attracted to go to a community of their own race, which would give them superior position in that particular community. It would also prevent anyone from being without a home until they could move unto a community of their like-race and culture.

    Priorities: God's interests and institutions must be our goal. We can allow people of various religions up to an extent but they must not harm our biblical goals or offend our Christian values. No religion shall be allowed to attempt to deny the deity of Christ or try to replace the authority of the Holy Scripture. God sets up nations and brings them down. We do not want to do anything to provoke Him to cause our fall: we must abide in His covenant in order to continue to be blessed as a people. We especially do not want to tolerate murder, adultery and repetitious rebellion such as drunkenness or drugs. Deceived pastors and people living in remarriage according to the redaction (second law) and not repenting toward annulment, undefiled marriage and fulfillment of the law cannot obtain membership. Such sins and crimes must be punished to the extent of eventual expulsion after confiscation and repayment for costs. Minor crimes can be given prison sentences with effective, Christian remedial schooling to prevent continuance of bad habits.

    Divine Architecture: Individual, family structure and paternal posterity is a design of God.


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