Wedding Ceremony
Marriage is an institution of God and monogamy is a divine, institution of the church. Both institutions are in process of fulfillment during a pure wedding. At Least Four People: Two Guarantors and the Marrying Couple
I would prescribe things to assure purity and be simple: One guarantor (the daughter's father or guardian) say, "I give this bride in respect of chastity according to Ex. 22 and Dt. 22." Another (the son's father or guardian) say, "I give this groom in respect of monogamy (I Cor. 7:27 and I Timothy. 3:12), and that he has no obligations to any former virgins. You will be joined together at consummation (Gn. 2:24)." The lovely ceremony of Michael and Grace Turk was not specifically exercised as above, but their lifestyle and promotion of God, marriage and chastity was evident: Links: Virginity Deposit: Pre-consummation Gracious inner person, not jewelry wearing and outward appearance Faithful Community And Dowry Price