Christians are sons and daughters of the king. Our ruler is the king of kings, Jesus the Christ. Perhaps, virgins of our day may honor their blessing and integrity in like fashion of the high life culture during the time of King David of Israel. Tamar, the daughter of King David wore such a covering:And she had a garment of divers colours upon her: for with such robes were the king’s daughters that were virgins apparelled.” ( 2 Samuel 13:18) It was a robe that signified virginity... ability to marry with dignity, God's approval and protection from divorce for ever.

Many Christians of today celebrate holidays but we don't see them celebrating purity and virginity. You may hear many false doctrines of wearing rings to signify no more sex again, but not specifically virginity. Every parent should take in mind the care and honor of his daughter, and her virginity. Clothing design must proceed toward positivity with meaning and glory. The modern, multi-colored virginity robe is a great project for us Christian fashion designers of today.


Hymen-Box Proof

Prevent Folly

Girl Defined Delusion

What To Look For In A Minister

Virgin Tradition And Responsibility Tor Remain Chaste For Marriage


Help Wanted:
Boutique and Clothing Designers for Jesus

Appropriate dress code

 Pure Fashion

Attire for Swimming or Gym

God and Fashion Design