
Advice On Dating

This is a wonderful couple above. However, to match with my wedding ceremony ideas, I would like to begin by recommending parents to live in a racially and culturally homogeneous environment as much as possible. Our government was overthrown with “civil rights” acts and we don't have the legal right to develop our own real estate and homogeneous communities as our pursuit of happiness anymore. Nevertheless, we can still attempt to remain among our kind as much as possible.

Before a wedding and marriage, dating or close association is naturally expected. Good Christian parents can become friends with other good Christian parents and they can arrange association of their offspring. The principle of fatherly giving is biblical. Since many young people don't have such thoughtful parents, following chastity is their only hope for a possible, pure marriage.

So, young girls and women must learn to keep their virginity. It is a prerequisite for biblical marriage. When a female meets a pure man, who has no former obligations, dating may be an option. The Bible, or the Apostle Paul rather, spoke of celibacy (staying chaste and single) as his preference. However, marriage (to avoid fornication) can be a Godly choice also.

There are many complaints today about the woman having legal advantages, and men are afraid to invest their life into marriage. Also white male children are born as 2nd class citizens due to Affirmative Action and quota restrictions. We must not allow this unGodly legal structure to keep us from living for God in faithfulness. One thing should be understood by all Christians: We must remember it is our duty to keep our children chaste.

If a man causes a woman to lose her virginity, he must take the responsibility to care for her for the rest of her life because she will never be allowed to marry someone else as long as the first man is alive. The Amish have experienced horrible incests and rapes among their own and failed to provide a lifetime financial relief to the woman and suitable penalization and deterrent for the man. Young men must equally beware of women who offer virginity but lack mental fortitude to remain faithful. Marriage is a delicate institution and must be made between faithful and mature (gracious, knowledgeable and virtuous) individuals.

Males are to be leaders of the home, and the wives are to be subject. So, the males absolutely don't have to bow to propose as Mr. Turk did to Grace. I personally don't think a ring is necessary, nor unnecessary expenses. Money can be saved to make marriage more convenient. The individual and community unity upon love (Ephesians 5:25) and purity is what is important. Perhaps communities should have their own clothing makers. Dating couples can work their own ceremony out as long as the purity obligations are guaranteed.



Fornication Recovery: Singleness

Marital Purity Of Adam And Eve

Positive Dating Results

Chastity Testimony Expected

Wedding Ceremony

Life After Marriage