I Corinthians 7

1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.1

The Corinthians had previously written a letter to the Apostle Paul, "Now concerning the things where of ye wrote unto me ... ". In reply, the apostle began expounding by suggesting celibacy. See I Cor. 7:7, 32-38. By nature, people are susceptible to sexual attraction of the opposite sex. Due to this, every person should have a helpmate rather than to abuse one's body committing fornication ( I Cor. 7:2). (Note) I Cor. 7:8, 9.

There may be many people a chaste single will want to meet! Walk circumspectly as to whom you desire to have a relationship with, and search out his or her background to prevent a sin of overreaching by ignorance: not all attractive people are honest and transparent about their prior sexual relationships; and many who are do not regard the Christian perspective toward marriage. Furthermore, I don't think a person should date someone who is not willing to trust and obey Jesus Christ. Kissing is not necessary to know someone intimately--that can wait for marriage. Avoid college co-ed dorming. Abstain from all appearance of evil.

As young men and women grow older they naturally become attracted to a person of the opposite sex. Young men and women must be observant not to be physically intimate. (Shomer negiah: Observant of touch) Physical lust of the flesh must not be allowed to ruin a relationship. Even touching in any way is intimate. Those things can wait for marriage. Friendship outings or “dating” should be made among other fellow believers or at least with a chaperon.

It is a big world with many wonders, and the creator is in control of it. Let us live with good habits without picking up bad ones and maintain self-control ( and bear fruit—Gal. 5) through His leading. If you are looking for a good friend and possibly future wife, God can keep your mate. Learning the bible and practicing its wisdom is a part of physical and spiritual maintenance. So to repeat a little, as to a caveat to touching, a girl or woman should not let a man massage her shoulders in public as I've seen or anywhere else if he is not her husband; she should rebuke anyone who attempts to disgrace the virtue of body holiness. This may prevent worse incidents.

Men and women must beware of trust authority and people of fine stature, wealth or power. A woman could possibly be overwhelmed by the friendly outward personality, luxury and comfort that could be offered to her by a conniving, wealthy man, employer or politician, or even raped by a predator in a lone room. Big homes and being alone with the wrong person could lead to temptation. Nevertheless, I won't take up too much space, we've already discussed about a woman not being alone with a man. Joseph, the appointed Hebrew ruler of Egypt, had to run to save his soul and cleanness. Keep the proper, protective attitude.

Now, first of all as to relationships, I would recommend to consider someone who is of the same genetic and theological (Christian) background. Racial and cultural homogeneity is very important. Shechemism must be prevented because it is not genetically natural and relationships should be established among like peoples of the community.

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1The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., 1 Co 7:1). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.