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Negative Addiction Deliverance and Support Map: Vertical and Horizontal
Difference between Deliverance (no addiction or cravings) and mere Treatment

Deliverance and becoming an ex-addict from negative addiction comes through a vertical, so to speak, personal relationship with the Lord. A believer may follow the Lord through fear and love of him. He will realize that he is not alone with his problems and that he belongs to a spiritual family (God's family). This is all the support that is necessary for deliverance: Worshiping God (through the Lord Jesus Christ) and fellowshipping with his family. Before deliverance of an addict, his id overcomes his ego and super ego, but after deliverance the cravings are gone, and the id is no longer psychologically attached to a substance. Experiencing deliverance from abuse is similar to experiencing youth without ever having been addicted, only with the benefit of the wisdom not to attempt to change the well-doing status of the id with a potentially harmful substance.

1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us: "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." We must go on to full growth in our walk with God. We live in the apostasy and just repenting from a particular sin is not enough; we must continue to learn the Bible and make changes for God as we grow spiritually. There are different types of sin. There are also continuous and non-continuous sins. Even though we make mistakes at times, we must not allow any sin to continue in our lives.

The reason many Christians fail or relapse is because they let go (Galatians 5:21) of this continuous, available support. They are not "powerless" as some may falsely assign; however, they overlook the required precept of abstinence or temperance:

Dt. 21:18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: 19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; 20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. 21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

They have a sense of doublemindedness (James 1:8). Their id is still susceptible to cravings, and their ego is conflicted at times with a war in the realm of the super ego with a demonic super ego and temptation for satisfaction of the insidious desires of the id.

Even if Christian brothers and sisters may not seem to be able to help, God is always there. Deliverance (and self-control—egkrateia, Galatians 5:23), since it is due to a vertical, direct relationship with God, walking in the spirit of God, and subsequently horizontal, so to speak, having fellowship with obedient, family members, is much different than mere treatment or methodical support (empowering the super ego to overcome the ego and id), such as AA, NA, and other horizontal (not necessarily Christian) resources. Nevertheless, even remarkable strides as to abstinence are made using treatment (attending anonymous meetings).

Rehabilitation comes after repentance (changing your attitude toward false comfort of addiction). Either way, deliverance or treatment, is better than serving the false god of substance abuse. You may be amazed what great things can happen to you if you give yourself a little time (a couple of years), love and care to begin a new walk and life. If you want to restore a car, you take it to a body shop if it is too difficult for you to do yourself. So, if quitting a substance seems too overwhelming, try a place like Teen Challenge. They specialize in substance abuse restoration. However, if you want to find a Christian place that follows true biblical direction for marriage and sanctity, you may be disappointed. They still have a battle in the realm of the super ego when it comes to sex and fornication as the doubleminded do who suffer relapse of substance abuse.

As I said, we are in the apostasy; some things you will have to grow through God's nourishment (Bible study) and if necessary, seemingly walk alone (to avoid being a partaker of sin), almost without faithful, church support. This may be one of the reasons I left my last rehab. Perversion of our institutions and sex abuse has caused great harm to our society and rehabilitation processes. Many of those we would expect to live a sanctified life at any cost (including annulment of an illegitimate marriage) will not repent, quitting sex abuse is more difficult than substance abuse. Therefore, we, who are of faith, must go on without them. Chaste counselors who promote purity and non-promiscuity are a plus and rare to find.

At one time, an adulterer could not legally migrate to the USA. To our demise, the evolvement of state vengeance against driving under the influence has increased as a legal offense while fornication and adultery has been excused. The purity standard of a nation, which keeps it from being punished by God, and causes part of its prosperity and continuance, has been trodden under a materialistic tyranny that has mocked and destroyed the rights of individuals and its founding heirs. Even Ted Bundy spoke against the condonation of illegitimacy and the failure of the legal justice system. Bill Cosby admitted giving drugs to his sexual prey and hasn't denied consensual sex in some of the cases, let alone the others. Sexual cleanliness has become despised by the passive and arrogant. As great manifestations of calamity grow, the changing of moral laws to control individuals through personal surveillance, and male emasculation and degradation seems to be a great part of the apostatizing mode of dominance. Women are not taught to be virgins and homemakers but are becoming more and more unchaste, and as they are wisely found unfit for biblical marriage, the government (as legislatively intoxicated on immorality moonshine) rather than penalizing, unwarrantedly rewards them with grants and loans for education, and jobs originally meant for white men.

Nevertheless, the grace of restoration is multiplied through communication with others, brothers and sisters, and then extended to even unbelievers. When a believer does not have knowledge, confidence and an effective relationship with the Lord, he may rely on support from the horizontal spectrum rather than deliverance. However, the horizontal support method is risky because it involves people without deliverance, who have cravings. Also, it has more temptations. Negative addiction (drugs and alcohol) member support may not always be helpful concerning other negative addictions. Therefore, relying on horizontal support alone could lead to unwanted circumstances and regret. My recommendation is don't become an addict, but if it happens, become an ex-addict quickly.

I personally don't believe in the term, “bottoming out”. No matter what an addict goes through during his spiral of deterioration, if God doesn't give him the ability to control himself (which He will), then the tragic circumstances merely prove they are not influentially efficient. It took a miracle for me to stop abusing substances. Part of that miracle was the fear of the Lord. It is a fearful thing to die living in sin (even if it is a consumption disorder, alcohol or drugs) while knowing it is not pleasing to the Lord. Sin breaks fellowship with God and it causes a loss of joy that He gives. Then, confession is necessary to restore the happy relationship again. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (I John 1:9)

Far worse, those that continuously disobey God will spend eternity in a place of torment. What a horrible and miserable life to have to live with that expectation!

I do not advocate CBN, but Mickey Robinson's testimony is awesome!

When a person respects God, He returns that respect with reward, and power to overcome sin through repentance. Put your trust in God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray to him for deliverance. Seek him for a life of purity and integrity. Listen to the words of a caring mother. “Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.” (Psalm 119:140) “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8)


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