George Floyd was allegedly known as a drug user and criminal. Nevertheless, after his death, which has been mostly but partially been blamed upon the lack of training of an inconsiderate policeman and in part because of Floyd's drug intoxication, riots and violence occurred in many Democratic/blue cities. The demonic people destroyed businesses and beautiful structures, they looted stores, and set fires and destroyed property that did not belong to them. However, I didn't see one news report from “fake news” that demonstrated them setting fire to an abortion clinic or breaking out the windows of a child-slaughter house/abortion clinic, which have a high rate of death of black babies. How is it when white people also die of police brutality like George Floyd that this willful child murder is not called racism, but police bad performance without the willful intent to murder is!

Cowardly Mayors And Governors Failing To Acknowledge Child Murder And Distinguish Between Peaceful Protesting And Violence: Abandoning Their Duty To Protect

Leaders of state and community have a duty to protect their citizens. So called leaders of blue areas failed miserably to protect the people and uphold the law. Jacob Frey, Andrew Cuomo and Bill De Blasio will go down in history in the hall of shame for abandoning their duty. It should be easy enough to distinguish between peaceful protest and looting, but these cowardly and treacherous men allowed violence and the burning down of their cities as Nero is known for playing the fiddle while Rome burned.

The Spiritual And Psychological Nature Of Riot

Blacks have a history of destroying their communities even back in Africa, much more so than whites. They were enslaved and sold as chattel property by their own people without regard of racial consciousness and brotherly respect for privilege as the Hebrews had for their own people. God's law gave privilege to the Hebrew slave and protected his people from multi-racialism and multi-culturalism through executed separation. Riot and rebellion is a spiritual and psychological matter; it is a manifestation of the lust of the flesh. Looting, undue violence and stealing derives from a willful or detrimental act concerning exercising the mind, soul and spirit of a person.

I believe the rioting nature of a violent looter is similar to the lack of character that a fatherless and bastardized child who grows up lacking proper food, shelter, and good training. Children raised by Christian parents who provide good things for them have no desire to harm those that have helped them. Every person that has come to America has been blessed with many good things, otherwise, relatively speaking they would not want to remain here. However, disrespecting that help through violence and hate is not healthy. It is not the fault of the white establishment, but the fall and desegregation of the white establishment.

The Satchel Paige and Jim Crow era is proof of that. The Black journey has been one of displeasure and ungratefulness. There was plenty of reason why the blacks should have been grateful for the apartheid/Jim Crow government in the USA. It possessed a future for both subraces, Hamites/blacks and Japhethites/whites, and other peoples. Whites had good reason to be separated from other peoples. It was their land, and they civilized it. The naked Indian had been clothed so to speak and given their own regions to generally live as they liked. It was a land separated by different subraces and peoples of different culture. All had the ability to prosper. The false religion of multi-culturalism was not dominant.

The white man had a divine right to choose a wife of his own race. (See Abraham Lincoln's view.) He had a right to live in peace and separate his family from others. He had a right to live among other families of his own kind. He had a right to live in a community that respected the white man, his family, and his community by keeping it generally homogeneous and separated by disallowing others not of the same kind. Even then, the whites were generally hospitable to others. This was a great form of living and model of government. They had a right to have their own restaurants, and they even served others not of their race to go; this did no evil to the patron! Japan and China do not allow immigrants to come to their country and demand things like the riotous in America do.

Blacks had no real reason to be ungrateful for communities that respected their own kind, especially since they had the opportunity to build up their own communities, and had no need to interfere with the white. Many black families had two parents during that time. Now, the marriage institution is regarded less, and fornication is running wild among various races and peoples.

It is evident the NWO Kennedy puppets were not very concerned about morality, family unity and posterity. However, since “Jim Crow” was overthrown more babies may have been aborted than men and women were killed in Russia and Germany during WW II. The streets are dreaded and accursed through wickedness, lawlessness, unnaturalism and oppressive non-homogeneity. Murder of blacks by blacks is at a rampant rate.

History of Race

Social Problems In The Old World And Modern Day

As the fallen angels and their giant children (wicked men almost two miles in height) ravished the earth in the old world according to the The Book of Enoch, it seems their similar evil spirits are unleashing violence and wickedness throughout the modern world. Our nation is defiled with adultery and fornication. It is time for repentance or else God will send worse things upon the earth.

Coerced Reverse-Racism Is Not Law

It is so evident that white women are weak and need to be trained as to Nehemiah and Ezra, so as to learn that they must respect only their own race as to sovereignty. These pitiful victims of public school indoctrination deny their own people -- how would they ever be true wives! Parents that allow their children to be ignorant of the Bible and perverted as such are part of the problem.

Tucker: Kneeling Will Never Be Enough For The Mob


Christian Ethno Community

Fallen Angels

Soul, Mind and Spirit

Abolition Heresy

Affirmative Action Racism

Japhethic/White Noahic Blessing

Overcoming through Repentance

Separation, Not Desegregation

God Demands Purity and Chastity

God's Coming Judgment

God's Form of Education and Law

Dumitru Duduman: Civil War and Russian Attack

Beware of Fake News

Patriarch Abraham: Basis Of Nationality