Affrimative Action is an anti-Christian and inverse form of slavery and race control. It must be abolished.


Replace Affirmative Acttion with State-gift

Abolish Racial Heresy Laws: Develop An Affirmative Action Emancipation Act

Deliver Us From Sarah Palin Butt-Kissing Negotiation and Racial-Moral Negligence

Program for Abolishing and Replacing Affirmative Action

Nissan Affirmative Action Departure Chart

Nissan Affirmative Action Manumission and Emancipation Program

Anti-Christianity and Feminism Rule

Slavery by Choice (Dt. 15:16, 17)

Honor Noah in Economics

Concept of Protective Isolation

Abraham Lincoln's Charleston Speech

Prison Economics and Anti-white Racism

Dr. Ben Carson Prayer

Faithful Religion and Deity of Christ

Blessing of Noah upon the Japhethite/White

Hil-liar-y Slave-like Mentality

Sanders Slave-like Mentality

Abolish Affirmative Action

Trump Prayer

Ivanka Trump

American Marriage: How The Institution Was Perverted

Fall Of Democracy

Cherokee Indian Advancement

Exposing Anti-Japhethic Will of NWO

Remember Our Poor