Hesedken: Leading In Hebrew Advancement And Sovereignty In Israel And Promoting Nordish Racial Protection Throughout The World |
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Protective Isolation: A baby is naturally, protectively isolated before birth in the mother's womb. A little boy is held by the mother's hand as he crosses the street. He is protectively isolated from walking on his own without enough knowledge to protect himself--improvised protective isolation through parental wisdom. A family lives together in a house and the inhabitants are protectively isolated from the weather, man and beast. The family is sheltered through parental improvisation using implementation of protective isolation. Historically, a group of families with similar genetic attributes (a race) have lived together in a community and formed or accepted a union with laws to govern themselves -- an ideological protective isolation formation through district or national government. God blessed Israel with His laws and protectively isolated the people from the sinful non-Israeli tribes (Ne. 10:30). After the return from Babylon, a Covenant was made to prevent miscegenation and keep the Hebrew tribes (father and mother) patrilineally within the Jacobean subraces. Many were warned not to forfeit their inheritance by refusing to leave Babylon. However, eventually a post-Babylonian (non-Ezranite) matrilineal succession heresy arose and has polluted the world unto this day. (Even in modern USA, many so-called Christians and activists seem to have swallowed the lie! Instead of America becoming influenced by Ezra and the Torah, it has been influenced by the oral Torah and Babylon.) In retrospect to the Ezran Covenant, eventually the Gentiles became under the guidance and favor of the Lord. Such are known as Christians. Christians improvise ideal concepts and methods of shelter for their people and others through the wisdom of God. (See Tit. 2:4-15.) The nations have been blessed through Christianity and protective isolation concepts. The Northern European races, when they were fortunate enough not to be influenced (Mein Kampf, Vol. 1, Ch. 11, #paid court to governments, with servile flattery) by the sinful post-church-era Jewish or other racial-autonomy-destroying evils, were generally protected and isolated by their kings, leaders and nations from internal overthrow or external invasion of other nations. No doubt, people have suffered throughout the ages because of anti-Christian influence, political bribery and treason. (Note: One of the destructive stratagems (Mein Kampf, Vol. 1, chapter 11, #the Jew killed or starved thirty millions of the people) of the Talmudicist was to destroy the czar (monarch) leadership of the white nation Russia.) Nations and governments have protected their peoples through border concepts, demographic, geographical or conceptual limits by means of racial and human protective isolation through sovereignty. Within the borders, an ideological concept is expected, usually in written laws (see Nu. 36: 5-13). Tax laws were used to maintain the freedom and prominence of the founding heir. Recently, less than a century after the Jewish/Russian Revolution, there has been an attempt (re-occurrence of Jewish influence in the USA) to destroy protective isolation improvisation through forced mixing and destroying the protective isolation of nation, race, family and individual by the diversity tyranny. Every white person should be aware of this calamity: A person may survive a car wreck and have like children afterward, but a person that has sex with another race destroys the genetic purity possibility of their offspring (Mein Kampf, Vol. 1, Ch. 11, #physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out). This hazard (or terror) must be eliminated through the implementation of homogeneous, demographic boundaries. Unnatural and harmful to an indigenous people or race (see 2 Timothy 3:3), a genocidal tyranny and destruction of a pure race can only occur when the leadership becomes subverted, infected and treacherously corrupt with anti-"one race" ideas. America and other powerful components of an international conglomerate are an example of this cabalic infection on a grand scale. Formerly, the American Northern European race was protected and isolated by their nation (United States) and its presidential, political, legislative, judicial and military leadership, as you may clearly see through the suggestion of the Constitution-and-heritage-minded, American dream -- racially distinctive words of Abraham Lincoln and his protective isolation concept through separation of races, and especially, by means of colonizing the Negro. He also explicitly denounced miscegenation. The attributes of Christian kingliness and priestliness require leadership and holy, racial autonomy similarly as King David ruled Israel with a Godly and prosperous hand. He put his race first before other races (including the neighboring, similar bloodline people -- now mostly Moslems). Favor of one's own race is inherently an element of national protective isolation. Also the Israeli people were subject to God and their priesthood, likewise, direction and submission to the King of kings (the Lord Jesus) -- priestliness (prayer, righteousness and faith) is a necessary, inherent element of national protective isolation. Evidences of destruction of protective isolation in the United States:
See the book March Of The Titans |
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