Neither Democracy nor Antidemocracy Has Been Successful!
(Resulting Diversity and White Flight or Genocide)


America is an example that democracy has not worked. The USA is actually no longer a democracy, but rather an antidemocracy. At one time the government was instituted and officiated by a group of people from Northern European descent--a people-government (ethnocentric or at least racially similar, and generally subjects or adherents to either branches or factions of the Christian religion). However, it was less than 200 years before it became a tyrannous government of peoples from all over the world--peoples of physical difference and culture. Therefore it became an antidemocracy (a government other than its founders formed)--a government not of a people but of various, diverse and opposing peoples.

Likewise, the resulting freedom of its once one people became diminished and turned into captivity through the opposition of diversity. Diversity inherently disallows freedom of democracy.

It seems federation or centralized control (when used as an invasive and subversive political mechanism) has been the major component of destroying democracy and subsequently developing an antidemocratic system. Such centralized or federated control that extends its power beyond the tenets and opinion of a similar religiously and economically united people can not serve the interests of the people without loss of a right or group (state) prosperity.

On the other hand, so as to establish unity and prevent coercion against a state, a federated military or police force could be used in a positive manner so as to protect state rights, not override them. Rather than compel an unwilling state to comply with ideas it does not or can not accept, tolerance of secession is appropriate. Unity in government can and should be established through non-violence and encouragement, not coercion.

Lincoln's federal government wiped out states' rights (peoples' rights within the country) to an initial degree. Then, around 50 years or so later, the Federal Reserve stealth came into effect. Then the money and possessions of generally one people were increasingly opened to the control of other peoples outside of the country. By 1914, according to history studies, the people of the USA were no longer able to lead the nation. The helm of the new, Socialist, republic was lost by its former heirs. Their leaders (through vote or appointment) dragged them into things that brought about great harm throughout the world including war and financial subservience.

Now, the current antidemocracy (seemingly led by a Talmudic oligarchy) is threatening with another federal entrapment: Homeland Security. If you will notice as a warning, great changes took place in the USA in earlier decades by means of federal programs being pushed through the government without much knowledge or sufficient resistance of the people. Such entanglements were relatively quite contrary to previous leadership public persuasion and hence unexpected. Nevertheless, those anti-government-of-the-people programs gave control to adversaries against the specific intentions of the founders of the country. Since the people of the government lost increments of their freedom to earlier federal movements, and just recently, from the very noticeable rush of Vice President Cheney passing the Homeland Security movement in Congress and the sudden, about-face contradiction of Bush's former anti-big-government speech, along with the many senators candidly serving the interests of Israel rather than the United States, it would be naive to not suspect a progressive cabal.

Although American democracy has failed, that does not necessarily nullify the virtual ideal or mean that all democracy will fail or any other type of government. To avoid federation from captivating a people there has to be restrictive control--control that will not allow the government to rend itself out of the people's hands, control that will not abdicate the race of the democracy, and control that will not tolerate the financial manipulation of the controlling race.


Is Democracy Possible in America?

The Religious Doctrine of Land And People

Theo-democracy: A Superior Form of Government

Lincoln's Ethnocentrism and Treacherous Jeopardization

Federal Reserve

How Wayward Church Denominations Aided Our Dispossession

Learning Things about Hegemony

Democracy and equal ethnocentricity opportunity through biblical principles

The 25 Points were actually fundamentally more "democratic" than American democracy
except for the fact the restriction of federation or centralization still was not successfully implemented

Restrictive Capitalism

Restoration of Iraq through tolerance of self-determination

The Way Out of Federalization

Global Ethnic Nationalism




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