Abraham Lincoln Had No Intention To Babelize Democracy DEMOCRACY (SPECIFIC CONNOTATION): RULE BY ONE RACE OR PEOPLE Etymology daymos (
) +- kratia ().
Biblical Use (BC) Civil War Era ANTIDEMOCRACY I coined this word from a combination of anti, meaning "instead of" or "against", and democracy, jointly meaning a government not ruled by one race or people. THEODEMOCRACY A government of rule through God and people. MULTI-DEMOCRACY A defiled and racially polluted form of chaotic existence. The USA has went from a Christian influenced democracy to an anti-Christian multi-democracy. False eschatology and political propaganda from the Zion Revisionist and other anti-Christian groups have dominated the media with inter-racial mixing of peoples ideology while the former Christian holding of race as sacred and to be protected has been trampled over. Kristi Noem's new House Bill 1076 has even made Christians subject to the rule of anti-Christians. Elon Musk's "-
Racism against any race is wrong"... is a paranomosic
clause WHITE MALE LOSS OF VOTING POWER: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TYRANNY Pursuit of happiness includes a right to work and have a source of employment. Regardless, Affirmative Action has made the white male as a 2nd class citizen who can only apply but not receive a position because he is as a man with a void vote recognition in comparison to the non-white and female (or “minority” benefit recipient). If a good job is posted and 499 minority recipients are in line for it, the white male has to wait until the 500th pick for that job: thus, that is also a method of determining the value of the white male's vote. RESTORATION OF DEMOCRACY THROUGH VOLUNTARY SEGREGATION God divinely separated men into various nations after the Tower of Babel. He also separated Hebrew tribes through different cities and demographic locations (Nu. 36:5-13). Racial and cultural homogeneity is something now that Christian democracy must separate and restore itself among anti-Christian, inter-mingled multi-democracy. Here is an example of a partition map. Personal endeavors may begin with initiating racial and cultural homogeneity-priority communities.
Sarah And God's Genetic Providence Jew
and Hoax Jew (Occult AntiChristians): The Threat Of A One World Culture Rule vs. Insidious Humanitarianism