Moral Racial Values

Loyalty to Christian Culture and Ethnic Purity is a Gift to Humanity (Ezra 10). ___Christians are "ambassadors for Christ" (2 Cor. 5:20).___As Christian individuals we must realize that true religion is not a "cross-cultural" movement, but rather a following of Jesus and teaching that reaches unto all cultures.

We appreciate moral racial values concerning the white and the non-white whether they be from a Christian or non-Christian point of view. One counterpoint among many that could be mentioned concerning statements of the author (a dear man) of the following essay is that it is our belief that God created man about six thousand years ago, not the large numbers that "evolutionists" portray.

Another point to mention, if the Jewish people are truly seeking God (I realize many of them are not), even though ancient Israel lost to a great degree through disobedience (Joshua Chapter 23) what the righteous of the Nordish race still seek to possess through God's blessing and grace, then they should also desire to see other races follow biblical, parallel national, Ezran protective isolation principles. (It should be observed and at least investigated that a very large percentage of the group of people misappropriately called Jews today are descendants of miscegenation among the Nordish or other Gentile peoples, and are merely want-to-be Jews (actually, impostors), not full blooded Jews. Most of these, except for some Christian converts, have taken pestilent, treacherous anti-Gentile, anti-Christian and anti-Torahian (lawless) stands through promotion of pernicious, Talmudicist ideas in their Gentile habitations.)

Furthermore, if many of the Nordish people who have gone astray truly have a desire to be restored (many of them have been  deceived and mistreated for various reasons, especially due to surrounding, larger emigrant numbers from non-Nordish nations), then they should repent from their unyielding to protective isolation doctrine and adherence (EZRA 10:2-12).  By doing this they would also encourage others of their own race whom have been sorely afflicted in their goings forth to live in love, peace and unity among their own race.

Therefore, we would like to encourage the non-Nordish Christians, i.e., the other Gentile Christians, and also the modern-Talmud-related, Messianic people (including those of miscegenation if they so deceptively, especially upon the acknowledgement of berit and torah: Ezran deportation of half-breeds, choose to be considered non-Gentile) to support the Nordish (name used by author Richard McCulloch) cause, help and assist preserve a land for them to be holy and not mix with the other races according to the grace and biblical principles found in the O.T. and NT, especially Nu.36:5-13 and Ne. 10:30, so that we may work together against subversion, perversion, oppression, treachery and the devil's big, deceptive, promotion: racial nihilism.  I hope you enjoy this non-Hesedken site:

Right and Wrong Racism
Distinguished Taxonomic Categories
The Nordish Crisis
Christian Genealogy
Leading Christians in Education, Morality and Ethics___Protect Your Child From Infamous Dating: "And Ezra the priest stood up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed, and have taken strange wives, to increase the trespass of Israel" (Ezra 10 :10).___ "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil" (Mt. 5:17).___ "Thou shalt not steal" (Exodus 20:15).___ Do not let non-whites steal your family unity, ethnic purity or chastity.

The Lincolnian Error

Cure for Race

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