Cosmology: Creation of the Universe Chart

Time-phase interval 1

Time-phase interval 2

Time-phase interval 3

Time-phase interval 4

Time-phase interval 5

Time-phase interval 6

Time-phase interval 7

Time-phase interval 8

Time-phase interval 9

Time-phase interval 10

Time-phase interval 11

Time-phase interval 12

<-----Day and night without the sun from the first creation of light

Day and night from the second creation of light: Sun, moon and stars were created---->

Beginning of earth time; Indeterminable distance or size of the void matter

A firmament was created sometime during the second day

Dry land and seas appeared; vegetation

Cosmic time became recognizable to mankind

Moving creature; fowl, whales

Cattle, creeping things, man and woman

Cosmic time

Cosmic time

Cosmic time

Cosmic time

Cosmic time

Billions of years

Cosmic time


Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


Day 5


Day 6
≈ 6,000 years ago

Seventh Day

Earth time: 2016

God's existence from eternity, during this time he chose his eternal people: note Ephesians 1:4.

Day 1 of the creation moving forward --->






Time moving forward toward its end and future eternity ------>

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