Anti-Christian and Anti-Gentile Hate: Planned Persecution:


"I can state with assurance that the last generation
of white children is now being born."

Due to many people not understanding Hebrew law concerning genetics and continuous genealogy, many nations have been misled so as to call an irreligious and genealogically fraudulent, Gentile people (Herzl Matrilinealists) Jews in the late centuries. Our great theologian Martin Luther even failed to acknowledge their genealogical and biological deficit.

It should be noted that the cult that refers to themselves as Jews have deceived peoples throughout the centuries; they are not the same people as the Jews of old. Since they are artificial and not a genuine people of God, Joos would be a better name for them. They circumvent truth and promote myth.

Nevertheless, as a deceived Gentile people deceiving themselves as well as some Christians and others, they love to call themselves Jews (God's former chosen people) and refer to others (non-Joos) as Gentiles. It seems to give them a false high and feeling of superiority. Their circumcision may cause them to lose weight and flesh, but it can't make them a Hebrew.

Rabinovich was allegedly hateful and in an overt manner toward his blessed white (Japhethic) enemies. It is hard to find information about him on the global media now that censoring has become more established. However, I will list a couple links that I found:

Our world has been unduly influenced by our anti-Christian enemies and many events seem to fit the words of the plan of Rabinovich and the Protocols. An example of implemented, large-scale, infliction of harm and crime was made by Clinton when he planted Muslims and polluted the purity of Northern European homelands during the unwarranted assault against Serbia.

The USA previously suffered unwanted, increased immigration and pollution into its roughly 90 percent white country after the Kennedy administration. The Joo cannot do the mixing damage alone; he must subvert someone to his ideology before he can actually destroy him. That is why Christians would do well to separate their people totally from such destructive people.

An exception should be made concerning only the converted “Jewish” Gentile who admits he is not a real Jew/Hebrew, analyzed as both confessing the Christian religion and denouncing the Talmud and Herzl Matrilinealism. I have met many who profess Jesus Christ as Yeshua but never heard one admit that he wasn't a Hebrew or Jew. It takes honesty and humility for one to grow in grace.

Theoretically, the now extinct Jew or Hebrew would have been expected to have racial integrity and uphold racial and cultural homogeneity. Therefore, there are many evil manifestations that should direct people away from the ways of their deceivers.


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