Without registry, an individual cannot be accepted as Jew or a member of a Hebrew tribe. The Jewish claim to be Jews but dare not to prove it according the registry—they know they would be caught. They simply have made up a matrilineal cult that excludes a Hebrew registry but still call themselves Jews. Similarly, Mormons and other cults have hi-jacked the name of Christian even though they deviate from Christian doctrine. Likewise, as a heretical cult, the Jewish have fraudulently misused the name of Abraham and his patrilineal lineage but do not follow or adhere to the Hebrew law (Numbers 36:5-13) and Covenant of Ezra (Ezra 10). Modern Judaism consists of anti-Christians from many various peoples and mixtures, which is why they logically and mathematically fail the acceptable genetics and genealogy of the now extinct Hebrews. It is not ancient Judaism—and never can be, where many of the continuously, patrilineal Hebrew-Semitic men were of the twelve Hebrew tribes (144,000) and became Christians.

Some members of the modern Judaism, Matrilineal Herzlists, also believe in Jesus (Messianic Herzlists) but usually are not genuine and fail to admit that they are not real Jews.

The religious Jewish are religious about their anti-Christianity and only parts of the Torah that do not disqualify them as a Hebrew tribe, of course, they have to evade the continuous, patrilineal Hebrew-Semitic laws of Hebrew registry. (Ezra 2:61-63) Hence, they obviously are not Hebrews or Jews and are considered “polluted” by Torah (Hebrew Law).

Life as Jewish settler in the West Bank | DW Documentary, DW Documentary, Sep 16, 2020

It should be noted that if those among the Ezran Congregation were later to be designated as “Jews” (members of a Hebrew subrace), then to equally designate the descendants of those that were polluted and separated from the congregation also as “Jews” would be patriarchally defamatory and genetically fraudulent! Therefore, the modern “Jewish”, a people who have no recent, patrilineal genealogy, even less than the rejects of Ezra 10, are not genuine and worse, fraudulent. They should not call or designate themselves as the same people who expelled the hybrid rejects from the congregation.

The global elite of the USA has favored the land possession of the anti-Christian German girl in the video in Israel but did not favor the Christian Germans before WW II who wanted their people back from Poland. So, the political favor seems to be toward anti-Christian, cult religion not race, which is completely contrary to Abraham Lincoln's idea of only one white race. America's politics changed from emphasis on racial aspect to religious (actually, anti-Christian) aspect. The falling away of the once nation of light is growing dark.

The social differences between the people of Israel and Palestine are similar to the Jim Crow era in the US. An apartheid system is in place in favor of the Israeli.

So, we have a fake-Jew ruling party in the state of Israel. In the following video, the erring, Jewish religious minister says that he may be a descendant of the tribe of Zebulun.

Determining Jewish Descent: Father VS. Mother - Ask The Rabbi On Real Life, Cornerstone Television Network, Feb 5, 2019


2:36 “identity... “mother”... “father”:

In Ezra 10, the priesthood and people rejected the non-Hebrew, women converts (these women did not have patrilineal, Hebrew fathers). Note, neither did the widow Ruth have a patrilineal, Hebrew father but Naomi did! Naomi succeeded (although not the norm) through pursuit of the kinsman redeemer law. The Jewish matrilineal concept of inheritance contradicts, evades and circumvents the Torah and the Covenant.

3:15 “tribe of Zebulun”:

The host said he may be of the tribe of Zebulun because his father was. He is not, nor was his father! For one thing, he has no registry (Ezra 2:61-63), as previously mentioned. He cannot prove his father is a legitimate member of the tribe of Zebulun anymore than a descendant of Ishmael can prove he is a legitimate descendant of a Hebrew tribe. Proof of continuous, patrilineal Hebrew-Semitic lineage is a requirement. It may be easier to understand the mathematics of the genealogy.

Don't be deceived! The Hebrews/Jews became extinct. So did the priests and Levites. The Jewish don't have the biology even to be Jews. So, there is no way eleven other tribes could come from the present multi-race-people gene pool. There are no legitimate descendants of the tribe of Manasseh either. Here is a genetic and genealogical commentary on the epistle: Unto The Romans.

The heretical teacher and cult attempt to “modify” the Hebrew Torah: Nu. 36:5-13, Ezra 10:3, Dt. 4:2, Ezra 2:61, 62, Ruth 4:18-22. Good parents are needed but the Hebrews had specific genetic and genealogical requirements to be met.

The Extinction Of The Hebrews/Jews:
Genetic And Genealogical Commentary On The Epistle “Unto The Romans”


Jim Crow Ups And Downs

Patrilineal Law: Continuity, Not Quantity: Nu. 36:5-13

Hebrew Genetics And Genealogy Requirements

Jesus the Christ: Patrilineal Descendancy: Matthew 1

Christian Jews Were United After Christ's Death: James 1:1

Fake-Jew Return

The Jewish Are Like The Rejected Of Ezra 10 And The Samaritans

Professor Sand: Jewish Invention

Benjamin Freedman: The Jewish Are Not Hebrew And Have No Roots In Israel

The Jewish fail Ezra 2:61, 62: Insufficient Genealogy

Israeli Government Law: Law of Return (Amendment No. 2) 5730-1970

Kinsman Redeemer: Ruth And Christian Redemption

The Unwarranted Balfour Declaration

Deliverance From The Jewish Babel