Gene Kim Genetics Heresy
(Critical thinking: Don't listen to teachers who do not study Hebrew and Greek)

Of course you have the three major eras of dispensation and minor (Lv. 18:18) times other than that, but heretics like “Dr.” Kim have a negative influence on thousands and thousands of people. This adds up. It leads to a society dumbed-down by myth and lack of easily accessible truth. Even some of his erring opponents call him a Ruckmanite. People are at a religious age of about 12 when they are 60 today because Satan used unlearned/heretical ministers to keep them from understanding God and his principles.

There are no Jews/Hebrews today. They became extinct. What you do have is impostors (the “Jewish”, especially)! Kim's deception and lack of understanding patrilineal law is just another example similar to his lack of understanding marriage precepts. Beware! Don't just listen to a person because they boast a degree, check the biblical principle.

How much Hebrew patrilineal (Nu. 36:5-13) blood is necessary to be a Hebrew? A drop? A cup? A bucket? None of the mentioned: it is not a container measurement; it is continuity measurement. The parents on both sides of a Hebrew child were patrilineally Hebrew (see the covenant of Ezra 10). Note: “Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude.” (Nehemiah 13:3) Jesus Christ was patrilineally Hebrew according to the adoption of Joseph. (Mt. 1) Previously, although acceptance of other tribes was not the norm, Ruth's kinsman redeemer redemption was based on Naomi's patrilineal inheritance (Ruth 4:18-22). Hence, the “Jewish” cannot be Hebrew because they do not adhere to patrilineal law and their matrilineal law attests to it.

The same principles apply to all the Herzl Matrilinealists whether they be Sephardim, Ashkenazim or other subraces or mixtures. A Hebrew is biblically defined racially, and became extinct through miscegenation and forsaking of the patrilineal law (Dt. 4:2, Nu. 36:5-13). Today, you may have irreligious ethnicities claiming to be Jews, but if you study the Scriptures, genetics and genealogy, you will realize that is impossible.


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