The Ten Lost Tribes Were Found (James 1:1)

The 10 lost tribes were found by God through the gospel: They were firstfruits. (James 1:1) The Assyrian captivity of the Hebrew tribes resulted in cultural change if not genetic among the captured peoples. I believe we can correctly assume that the chosen of the lost tribes became (James 1:1) part of the firstfruits as well as the remainder (Judah and Benjamin) of the believing-in-Christ tribes of Israel through the gospel. Note, James did not say the two remaining tribes, no, he addressed the twelve tribes.

Today, in the general area the Assyrians may have taken their captives of Israel, Muslim and Kurdish ruled areas there have no known tribes who have maintained patrilineal genetics. Perhaps the disconnected Israeli people were forced by their captors to change their Hebrew, patrilineal genetic law or maybe they compromised on their own. Whatever the case may be, no patrilineal tribes can be found. Without patrilineal law and genetics, not just anyone (even if he becomes a cult member and claims he loves the Hebrew law) can obtain genetic and genealogical inheritance! The person must be born into it, and without a patrilineal father that is impossible. Merely removing the foreskin of the penis (circumcision) cannot make a Philistine (1 Samuel 14:6) or Joo a Hebrew. A Jooish baptism (mikveh) cannot make a Hebrew. Ceremonies or religious tenets cannot change the genetic and genealogical state of being. There is no way a non-Hebrew (a person who lacks continuous, patrilineal descendancy) can make himself a Hebrew and heir of Israel. (Nu. 36:5-13) Modern Judaism and matrilineal law is proof of fraudulent possession of the state of Israel itself.

See these links:

Myth Of The Modern Jew

Many Christians Have Been Deceived
By The Herzl Matrilinealist Myth

Gordon says the reason they're called Jews is because they are the descendants of Judah. Wrong! The reason they are called Jews is because the cult promoted themselves as Jews. It is pseudo-intellectualism. They would more appropriately be called Joos, a name that doesn't allow them to equate themselves with the patriarchs and their descendants. Mr. Robertson could make himself a Joo if he wanted to but he could not make himself a Hebrew. Even if he doesn't attempt to do such an abominable act and doesn't have any desire to, he shouldn't allow himself to be so corrupted by the Talmudicist myth of a return of the Joos, in effect, a taking away of the work of firstfruits--real Hebrews of all twelve tribes who were united by the gospel (James 1:1). Christians should be mindful not to allow anyone attempt to steal the fame of Abraham and his patrilineal, lineage. The Joos do not follow the necessary and required patrilineal continuity law to be heirs of the tribe of Judah and therefore are genetically and genealogically unacceptable. The Hebrews became extinct; therefore, the Jews became extinct also and no cult can revive their patrilineal, biology. We Christians need teachers more than men who can jump like Hagin or roll on the floor like Donny Swaggart. We must study Hebrew so we can refute the anti-Christians that have become learned of the language.

Mr. Robertson and The 700 Club seem to be so lost. There are no Hebrew tribes today. They became extinct. The people who occupy modern Israel are Herzl Matrilinealists--Gentiles, not Jews. See Luke 21:24.

To verify this: there is no patrilineal Hebrew gene pool. No two people in the world can give birth or produce a son or daughter with the genealogical attributes of a Hebrew; hence, or Jew.

However, the 10 lost tribes were found by the gospel of Jesus Christ. (James 1:1) The believers became part of the firstfruits (less than 2,000 years ago). To demonstrate the difference, Christians are in the post-firstfruits era today.

Whatever the case may be, without patrilineal law and genetics (Numbers 36:5-13), the remainder of the people cannot obtain genetic inheritance! Modern Joodaism and matrilineal law is proof of fraudulent possession of the state of Israel itself.

Nevertheless, there is a fake "going up" from perhaps a people whom many never had an ancestor who ever lived there (in the land of Israel), who have no required, genealogical identity (Ezra 2:61-63), and no one with a patrilineal, Hebrew continuous genealogy. Languages are learned, but genetics and genealogy can't be continued once the Hebrew, patrilineal lineage has been broken nor can it be re-started (Ezra 10:3) or grafted-in without a kinsman redeemer -- a patrilineal, Hebrew descendant (Naomi). The Joos have no such redeemers. It's gettin' late, time to wake up!

The Patriarch Defamation Lie

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” (Exodus 20:16)

One of the Ten Commandments is not to lie. When you look at the agenda of cults, especially the Jooish, it is easy to see they attempt to lessen the restriction, obedience and fame of the patriarchs as to remaining in their paternal families (twelve unique tribes). They attempt to make and smear the patriarch's good deed of honoring God's racial (tribal) restrictions as one who does not honor the commandments of God. The Joos lie when they say they are Jews. They bring defamation upon the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when they portray themselves as the patrilineal, Hebrew people who were commanded by God and Moses to remain in their patrilineal families. (Numbers 36:5-13) A holy, genetic and genealogical model was established to determine inheritance in the land of Israel.

Anyone who did not follow and keep this racial (tribal) model would lose their inheritance. Eventually, as we see in Ezra 10, those who did not have the patrilineal attributes of the tribal model could not become part of the Hebrew tribes. Some violators and their children were amicably expelled from the community.

If those who were rejected in Ezra 10 for not having the substance of patrilineal genealogy, what can the modern Joo offer that would make them any more acceptable than the rejects? Nothing!

So, it is easily seen through the matrilineal law of modern Joodaism that a cult of wanna-be-Hebrew rejects have deceived the nations. See the Balfour Declaration.

Many Christians have been deceived as to thinking that God is bringing back a people who became extinct, even after they were lost and found. Some of our deceived people even call the Jooish impostors “Jews”. Considering the Ten Commandments, and that no one should lie, are those that are deceived by the Joos and call them Jews bearinng false witness against our patriarchs who were obligated to remain within their patrilineal families? Such easily fooled and unlearned people should be more careful.

It should be noted that if those among the Ezran Congregation were later to be designated as “Jews” (members of a Hebrew subrace), then to equally designate the descendants of those that were polluted and separated from the congregation also as “Jews” would be patriarchally defamatory and genetically fraudulent! Therefore, the modern “Jewish”, a people who have no recent, patrilineal genealogy, even less than the rejects of Ezra 10, are not genuine and worse, fraudulent. They should not call or designate themselves as the same people who expelled the hybrid rejects from the congregation.

Furthermore, you can't be “Jewish”, no matter how much you deny Jesus Christ, and Christian at the same time! They are 180 degrees apart. The "Jewish" do not believe in Jesus Christ and Christians do. I recommend if you believe in Jesus Christ to consider calling yourself a Christian convert from a fraudulent, cult.