Reich Citizenship Law And Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln wanted a white nation: " ... no room for two distinct races of white men in America, much less for two distinct races of whites and blacks."1 Similarly and prescribed through the Torah (Nu. 36:5-13), the Hebrews of Ruth's time wanted a Hebrew nation. Ruth, although a Moabitess and not a biological Hebrew, respected the racial will of the Hebrews. She did not invent “matrilineal law” and attempt to circumvent the Torah (Ruth 4:18-22). She did not demand Moabitic civil rights nor uplift their unGodly culture. Rather, as a great model for Christians, she converted to Hebrew thought and respected their racial inheritance and succession laws. She was blessed and accepted among God's people to be a builder of Israel as Rachel and Leah (Ruth 4:11). As we can see, the rebellious immigrants of the USA did not have the humility and virtue that Ruth had. When they came to the US, they eventually started demanding rights that desovereignized the white founding-heir. In Louisianna during the late 1800's, a law was corruptly passed that denied the white ability to judge criminals sufficiently. In 1913, the Federal Reserve Bank was instituted. Foreigners took control of the economy. Who controls the money, controls the nation so to speak. People were thrown into unwanted wars. Eventually, whites lost their ability to have their own public schools. In 1965, Ted Kennedy deceptively established a way to flood the country with immigrants, totally out of line with respect of racial and cultural homogeneity. In 1972, Affirmative Action made white males as 2nd class citizens; their vote for employment opportunity became useless, worth less than 1/500 of a vote due to a quota. This judicial fraud was just the opposite of respecting the founding race and their benefits as Ruth. More lives have been taken through abortion than Germans and Russians in WW II. Our country has fallen morally due to the lack of racial homogeneity adherence, as Ruth respected. This is also why the Hebrews became extinct. Not only was our country defrauded through the FRB, unwarranted wars and many other stratagems, we have been hammered with myth and propaganda of fake Jews, who seem to control most of our Congress. Redeemed: Ruth was a Moabitic convert and redeemed by God through faith. She was blessed and accepted among God's people to be a builder of Israel as Rachel and Leah (Ruth 4:11). Ruth is a model for Christians, whether Japhethic, Semitic or Hamitic, who also have been redeemed by God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and his providence, and are the Israel of God (Galatians 6:15, 16). Semitic race: Josephus did not relate in the context concerning the marriage of Ruth as inter-racial (both of the Semitic race) in the sense of physical difference; even though, the non-Israelite neighbors were perhaps perceived by the Israelites as different because of their general wayward tradition noted as "ordinary", or perhaps "mean". It seems it may be deduced that Ruth was Semitic and a descendant of Lot. "Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. And the firstborn bare a son, and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites unto this day." (Gn. 19:36, 37 KJV) Lot and Abraham were related. (Gn. 13:8) Even though the Moabites were not Israeli, they were Semitic. Patrilineal inheritance of posterity: Ruth being a progenitor (great grandmother) of King David was a famous exception [deviation] to the intra-family (intra-subrace) law, not the norm. However, inheritance was determined patrilineally and David was an heir of Israel through Boaz, his great grandfather, the husband of Ruth. ( Mt. 1: 5, 6) Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, descended from the lineage of Boaz. (Mt. 1: 16) Nevertheless, keep in mind Ruth's marriage was many generations and events before the restoration of the subracial law conflict in Ezra, wherein a covenant was made (see Romans 9:4). The time that the epistle was written was also near and perhaps during the time of union of the twelve tribes in Christ (James 1:1). Illegitimacy of modern, matrilineal, cultural inheritance: Also, note today the so called “Jewish”--not genetic or patrilineal Jews--determine their cultural (not racial!) descendancy matrilineally. The Jewish are actually land frauds due to their mockery of the law of Moses (Nu. 36:5-13) and the written Torah; while occupying Israel, they have no Torah legitimacy or real (patrilineal) inheritance in the land. The Reich Citizenship Law The Germans, as Abraham Lincoln, wanted racial privilege for their own people. However, it seems they didn't fully understand the Biblical patrilineal, genetic and genealogical requirements of Jews/Hebrews according to the Torah/Bible, nor did they probably understand that the Hebrews/Jews had become extinct. Nevertheless, ine earlier centuries, Ruth of the Bible assimilated to the Hebrews; she did not attempt to destroy their racial and cultural privileges. Also as a good example as to blessing homogeneity, the Germans made a law to develop their race and community, preventing outsiders from destroying their nation, racial and culural homogeneity. This is righteous. Similar to the former Hebrews but quite different than the modern Joo, the Germans realized race is sacred. As mentioned, Ruth of the Bible lifted up the Hebrew people as Rachel and Leah (Ruth 4:11) and their racial law very well, which the modern “Jewish” have molested and invented another religion: deceptively called “modern Judaism”. The “Jewish” were actually given notice to leave Germany before the violators were sent to work encampments. Even then, they received much better treatment than our outsider-overthrown government treats some of its prisoners! Links: Abraham Lincoln: Speeches at Charleston, September 18, 1858 Bilbo VS McConnell: Racial Privilege When America Started: Morality