Anti-Christian Congress

Anti-Christian Bias

Congress has an anti-Christian bias and is partial toward the concept of apartheid. Note the deceived members Ted Cruz and Chuck Grassley showing their sickening affection for Benjamin Mileikowsky, now Benjamin Netanyahu, PM of modern Israel. They condone the hatred of the Israelis toward Palestinians and support their war (slaughter) against them. However, note, modern members of Congress very, very rarely support the former Christian apartheid of the US under Abraham Lincoln.

Let us remember the words of our great, theologian and reformer Martin Luther concerning those known now as Herzl Matrilinealists: “You ought not, you cannot protect them, unless in the eyes of God you want to share all their abomination."

Let us not help build a platform for the Anti-Christ. Usually, anti-Christians win by number because they are so more numerous than Christians, and the Joos are the elite of overt, anti-Christianity. Let us stay out of international affairs, especially anti-Christian ones: George Washington.

Remember The Prophetic Error Of Pat Robertson

Follow Jesus Christ, and not men. “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” (Mt. 16:25)