Why Not Call Them Joos!

A person that could not meet the genealogical requirements of the Covenant of Ezra was not considered a Jew. Hence, a Gentile. Christians must recognize the genealogical error of the modern “Jewish” heretics.

It should be noted that if those among the Ezran Congregation were later to be designated as "Jews" (members of a Hebrew subrace), then to equally designate the descendants of those that were polluted and separated from the congregation also as "Jews" would be patriarchally defamatory and genetically fraudulent! It is interesting to note how many Herzl Matrilinealists (members of a Talmudicist antiChristian religion; not a subracial entity) have not admitted this fact. No one can legitimately claim himself as a Jew and circumvent the prerequisites of Hebrew inheritance and genealogical law.

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Mr. Fridman has a misconception of how Hebrew inheritance genealogy worked (Nu. 36:5-13). So does Kanye West. They both are Gentiles and fail to realize that the Jews, a Hebrew tribe, became extinct some time after the destruction of Jerusalem (70 AD).

The “Jewish” of today are not as those of ancient Judaism. Even after the resurrection, the post-church Hebrews still held the covenant of Ezra sacred, which regarded the patrilineal genealogical lineage and Hebrew gene pool. However, after being scattered, they failed to keep it and became extinct. There is no Hebrew gene pool today. A Jew cannot be produced from the made-up group, now Herzl Matrilinealists (circumventors), who call themselves Jews. Why not call them Joos so people can see they are a pseudo-intellectual Gentile people with an artificial history of genealogical lineage, not the same people as the Jews, patrilineal, Hebrews of old.


There Is A Difference Between Joo Religion
And Knowing God


Hebrew Patrilineal Law

Made-up Matrilineal Law

The Ten Lost Tribes Were Found And Became Extinct