“And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” (Luke 21:24, KJV)

Two Gentiles Make A Claim Of The Lineage Of Abraham

After the fall of Jerusalem, it was later occupied by an Islamic people. Of course, this did not rip the power of land possession out of God's hands, it merely demonstrated God's allowance of Gentiles to take rule in it, as was expected according to the Scripture. Later, the Herzl Matrilinealists, part of a Gentile cult who attempted to defraud the fame of the Abraham and his lineage, took a political apartheid form of leadership of the land of Israel. They are still there today and don't have the required Hebrew registry (Ezra 2:61-63), making them theologically “polluted”.

As you can see in the video above, there seems to be proponents of two extra tribes claiming to be either Jewish or Jew. However, since the extinction of the Hebrews and Jews, it would be impossible for anyone to be a Jew, and consequentially they would have to be Gentile also.

Platform For The AntiChrist

Christianity is the only religion with a true high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua). Israel is filled with Herzl Matrilinealists, Gentiles who generally follow a Gentile, rabbinic religious leadership. Luke 21:24 is fulfilling. A platform for the AntiChrist is needed before his appearance. It has already begun.

Myth And False Jew Claims

There is no Santa Claus, and there is no Jew today! This is proved genetically and genealogically above. To prove this spiritually, the Jewish cannot have a legitimate priest: None of their teachers, or men with a last name of Cohen or Levi have a genealogical registry (Ezra 2:61-63). None of the people have registry either. They are all considered "polluted" theologically. Therefore, they are Gentiles, not Jews or Hebrews!

It is time for white, black, yellow (or any other color) men who consider themselves Jews to realize that they can't belong to an extinct group of people. Get delivered!


Christians, Beware Of The Joos

Black Hebrew Controversy

Future Of Israel

Cohen And Levi Extinction

Commentary On The Epistle “Unto The Romans”

Patrilineal Law: Continuity, Not Quantity: Nu. 36:5-13

Hebrew Genetics And Genealogy Requirements

Jesus the Christ: Patrilineal Descendancy: Matthew 1

Christian Jews Were United After Christ's Death: James 1:1

Fake-Jew Return

The Jewish Are Like The Rejected Of Ezra 10 And The Samaritans

Professor Sand: Jewish Invention

Benjamin Freedman: The Jewish Are Not Hebrew And Have No Roots In Israel

The Jewish fail Ezra 2:61, 62: Insufficient Genealogy

Israeli Government Law: Law of Return (Amendment No. 2) 5730-1970

Kinsman Redeemer: Ruth And Christian Redemption

Deliverance From The Jewish Babel