The Kennedy-Cabal Assault upon Homogeneity
And No Border Protection or Penalty of Invasion of America


John Kennedy, the reported extra-affair former president, in defiance of the exhortation of Nehemiah, the covenant of Ezra, the wisdom of Joshua, and even Lincoln's plan of repatriation of the Negro, went about-face and promoted the Civil Rights Act, a stumbling block that caused excessive miscegenation among our tribes. (The synagogue of Satan, working for racial and spiritual pollution, would have not had any rejection toward his national goal of superior rights to lesser esteemed races or mixtures. This would help them gain power over all, including the white race, which had a degree of dominion for centuries.) Later he was assassinated. Robert Kennedy was eventually killed. Many explanations have been given about this, but the big thing to notice is how Ted Kennedy has done even more damage by mixing races and cultures among the American people in defiance of Biblical principle than John or Robert! What are the synagogue of Satan ties with the Kennedy clan that they should curse the USA as they destroy national sovereignty and anti-pollution concept!


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Why It May Be Too Late For The USA

The USA was misled into WW II by Roosevelt and the "Jewish" manipulators. Now the USA is almost under tyranny resulting from its sin of aiding antiChristians. Martin Luther warned of sharing the abomination of antiChristians by protecting them.

You hear the rise-to-the-call type men (such as Alex Jones) and women today but only in vain. You hear condemnation of Hitler rather than praise. This is because most people are suffering the judgment of a country that aided antiChristians and Christ-haters such as the hoax-Jews and Russian commissars. The people of the world have been desensitized as to the harmfulness of antiChristian influence. Martin Luther said, " ... some troop ought to ride against them, for they will learn from this pamphlet what the Jews are and how to handle them and that they ought not to be protected. You ought not, you cannot protect them, unless in the eyes of God you want to share all their abomination." Yes friends, the USA is suffering this guilt.

Righteous genetic ethnic cleansing was re-established in Israel during the priesthood of Ezra. A covenant was made (Ezra 10). Israel cast out those that were not fit. Execution of anti-pollution concept was in effect. Non-Israelite Semitic women were rejected; so were such matrilineal seed. (However, modern Talmudicism fraudulently defies the Ezran Israelite Covenant.) The Balfour Declaration was unwarranted; Israel should never have been named as a refugee center for those similar to those who were expelled at the Ezran congregation.

has made great strides to restore the concept of legitimacy and Israeli genetic inheritance through educating and reproving the world, politicians, philosophical proponents, religious leaders and seminaries in respect of Torahian and Covenantal principles.

Spain similarly ethnically cleansed its nation from the antiChristian Jews. So did many other Christian countries at other times. Ethnic cleansing of antiChristian, subverters of racial unity is a matter worthy of praise, not condemnation. Germany under Hitler's rule and respect for good government ethnically cleansed itself from the groups that betrayed and exploited it. Although as many never seem to mention, Hitler encouraged the "Jewish" to leave of their own free will previous to the expulsion. Many left. Compare this to righteous Moses, who destroyed the Caanites rather than offering amicable leave of expulsion.

America will never recover unless it realizes the biblical principle of ethnic racial unity in righteousness. It is very unlikely that it will awaken from its sleep after a century of manifested antiChristian attack, especially beginning with the Federal Reserve Bank, antiChristian finance, war controls, dispossession and now, blatant desovereignization and oppression.



Abraham Lincoln And Tyranny
What if Lincoln had not been so genocidally selfish toward a larger union and intolerant toward the South's secession?

America's Loss of Democracy: The Civil War

The Loss of American Northern European Control of USA's Finance
(What if Wilson had refused a centralized bank?)

Balfour Declaration And Anti-Christian Global Headquarter Setup:Anti-patriarchal And Unwarranted, Anti-Ezran, Reverse Deportation
(The Lie of Modern Jewishism)

The Loss of American Colonialization Integrity to Not Become Involved in International Affairs
(There was no need for the USA to go to war: WW I)

America's Loss of Free Speech: Kennedy's Civil Rights Act

Early Israelite Ethnic Cleansing

America Has Been Defensively Suffering A Form of Synagogue of Satan, Edomitic Plundering
instead of Reaching Out to Others with Christian Rule

Global Racial-Ethnic Nationalism

Modern Israelite Ethnic Cleansing

Was the Massacre of Blacksburg Inevitable?

What Is Your Dating Score?


The Future

The Fate of Impostors and Mongrels May Be Dissappointment

Visit the Israeli Poverty Center