Faith in Jesus (Yeshua) is necessary: Romans 9:4 "Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises ..."

Evidently, the Hebrews became extinct. The modern Jewish, fake Jews, biologically couldn't even attempt to keep the Ezran Covenant, let alone follow the racial law of Moses (Numbers 36: 5-13). Without faith, they forsake adoption, glory, services of God and the promises, which many of the Japhethic and other believers in the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world possess.

Even If Israel's Semitic People Took Rule It Would Not Satisfy The Genetic Hebrew Law

You cannot be a Hebrew today! You can be a Herzl Matrilinealist or an anti-Zionist (Neturei Karta) but both groups are Gentiles. We live in the age of the Gentiles: Luke 21:24. Modern Judaism and learning the Hebrew language cannot make you a race! (Nu. 36:5-13)

The modern “Jewish”, a people who have no recent, patrilineal genealogy (Ezra 2:61-63), even less than the rejects of Ezra 10, are fraudulent. They should not call or designate themselves as the same people who expelled the hybrid rejects from the congregation.

(Repentance of Acceptance of Pseudo-biological Attributes and Talmudicism)

The problem with Israel's government is not only its demographic situation, but its theological misconception and deviation concerning patriarchal inheritance and the acceptance of goy Jews (mere Gentiles of Talmud conversion), which has been heretically propagated for centuries. Such religious propaganda can never equate the current misled people to the twelve tribes mentioned in James 1:1. Ezran-era Judaism was law-and-covenant keeping and disallowed racial mixing. It's people were Torah-following, patrilineally Semitic (descendants of Shem, not Japhethic). As much as a half-breed was not permitted to be part of the congregation (of course if the father were a Gentile there was no remaining inheritance, but also even if the mother were a Gentile according to Ezra).

To the contrary, modern Judaism fails tribal homogeneity and favors a mixed multitude which cannot be unpolluted and separated into single tribes--goy, impostor Jews and is Torah-heretic--a great, intranational and international, pseudo-theological fraud. It is said that about ninety per cent (more or less) of current Israel's inhabitants and adherents are made up of even red-haired Japhethic peoples or other Gentiles, who, by the way, cannot be accepted as biological heirs of Abraham (Gn. 21:12), Isaac and Jacob according to the Torah. Such fake-Jew converts, Gentiles and impostors are Talmud heretics and have subverted the righteous, Israeli-Semitic racial, economic and social, caste system of its own nation, but will not prevail.

Many countries have expelled the Jewish (or those they assumed as Talmudists) during the last millennium. However, considering the evidence of the Khazar simulation of the Jew, the people of greatest number causing the social problems were probably mostly of Japhethic origin, if not Semitic matrilineal heretics. Ever wondered how there could be so many Jewish today? It is because they are polluted seed or not Semitic at all; they are merely a cult of Talmudics, and as such, they have harmed every nation that allowed them to influence their society, including Israel. Germany's goal of expulsion (not extermination) of the Jewish and their proselytes was put to test, but did not succeed. Now Israeli Semites (even though they have no patrilineal proof of meeting the requirements of the Torah concerning genetics and genealogy), paradoxically, so as to even come close to keeping the covenant and law, in order to purify themselves of their more-goy-than-they-are proselytes, may have to strive to accomplish the same goal. However, since the Hebrew tribes have become extinct, it would still be futile to attempt to restore the genetic and genealogical requirements to be a Hebrew.

Today, only ten per cent in Israel (some say thirty per cent) are reportedly Semitic (more or less); however, full (or acceptable dominant patrilineal and matrilineal percentage) racial homogeneity is necessary to be capable of being accepted as heirs according to the covenant of Ezra and the Torah. Pollution of seed with a non-Israeli Semitic woman was considered an element of rejection. This severe demand may cause minute research for proof among the families of Israel because some accurately even doubt (and for good reason) the genetic homogeneity of the Sephardi. Not only that, patrilineal, genealogical proof is necessary. No such proof has been found in modern Israel. The Jewish go by matrilinea law, which is an algorithm for Hebrew genocide. The modern, Jewish fabricated, matrilineal cultural succession law—a blatant racial and genealogical, disqualifying error--has made patrilineal law and the covenant of Ezra (written Torah) void, but must be corrected or at least recognized by the non-Jewish!

Hypothetically, even if the Sephardi were to fail the genetic and genealogical demands and law of Ezra, which they do, they are still a sub-ethnic entity that has the potential to promote a pursuit of physical anthropology study in Israel among themselves and their competing sub-ethnic entities. A proper investigation could certainly draw a line against those who have no physical Israeli-Semitic traits. It could also focus on the exclusion (a weeding out) of Semitic racially-blended ethnicities lacking patrilineal succession requirements. A great work of genetic discernment, Semitic-Gentile/goy social status demotion and/or deportation among its population must take place in order for modern Israel to approach the Ezran restoration status.

Hence, even though some doubt exists as to full, racial purity, assuming the Sephardi are the Semitic, and the Ashkenazi are not or only unacceptably mixed, executing the gist of Berith and Torah, the Ashkenazi would not be able to continue with a false prestige among the nation of Israel--and the rest of the world--as they have so undeservedly enjoyed in the latter decades.

May God forgive those of us who have been deceived by such.

Considering the international facade of glory that impostor Jewism has displayed to the nations through a promoted, distorted and false concept of racial redemption and demographic re-establishment, and the prominent social success that it currently possesses within Israel, righteous proponents of biological and theological reform may temporarily stick out like a sore thumb outside the nation of Israel, and especially within.

However, it is too great of a task for Israeli restoration because even as the righteous leaders of Ezran-era Judaism deported its non-whole bloods, the Sephardi or whoever can prove (which they can't) to be of patrilineal succession and biologically non-mixed from the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (see the genealogical evidence of the Apostle Paul--Phil. 3.4-5), must take rule and also duplicate the deportation process, if necessary, perhaps as amicably as possible but firm (similar to the love such as that of a father reproving an erring son who doesn't know any better), in modern Israel. Concluding, if the Sephardi were able (which they aren't) to take rule, then the Ashkenazi would have to condescend and take on a lower status (since they lack full, if any, Semitic biological credentials) as servants not worthy of any political voice or either relocate to a nation outside of Israel. Before the Balfour Declaration, Africa was recommended. Woe be to nations who aid such anti-Christians!

It must be considered that those not of the seed of Abraham concerning the flesh and who are Talmudicist rather than of faith are neither part of Israel according to the flesh or faith. On the other hand, without faith in the Lord Jesus Christ even though a person may have at one time been genetically and genealogically acceptable from the tribe of Judah, Reuben, Gad, Aser, Nepthalim, Manasses, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zabulon, Joseph, or Benjamin (Rev., chapter 7), he still could not have been a member of spiritual Israel and the new covenant (Jer. 31:31, Heb. 8:8).

Nevertheless, faith and fulfillment of the law is more important than works of the law or merely keeping the covenant of Ezra genetically and genealogically as far as acceptance and spiritual inheritance to God is concerned, and neither the Israeli-Semite, partial-Semite or non-Semite can partake of the Israel of God without faith in Jesus Christ the Lord. Thus, a Christian in haaretz (the land) should be permitted rights and not be oppressed, regardless of his genealogy (even if he is a repentant, former Moslem or Arab).

Hebrews Are Extinct: Impostor-Jews Rule

Is a platform for the Anti-Christ being established?


Ezra 10:2 "And Shechaniah the son of Jehiel, one of the sons of Elam, answered and said unto Ezra, We have trespassed against our God, and have taken strange wives of the people of the land: yet now there is hope in Israel concerning this thing. 3Now therefore let us make a covenant with our God to put away all the wives, and such as are born of them, according to the counsel of my lord, and of those that tremble at the commandment of our God; and let it be done according to the law."


Institution of Segregation as a Remedy for Inter-racial Sexual Sin: 1 Esdras 9:36 "All these had taken strange wives, and they put them away with their children." The King James Version Apocrypha

The Ezran Expulsion (Video)

Understanding the Torah and Israeli-Semitic Rule: An Economic and Social, Racial Caste System

Nehemiah 9:2 And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers.

Does modern Israel have the genetic and genealogical analysis power that the Nehemian congregation had? No! If modern Israel fails the fulfillment of the Torah of Moses, can they justly excuse themselves with the Talmud? No Way!

Racial self-haters are an abomination to any nation (people should love their own race):
1 Ti. 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Lincoln's plan of colonization of Negroes was noble, but his tyrannical national selfishness and intolerance of secession was genocidal.


Berith and Torah: Racial Homogeneity

Even against the wish of the controlled mass media, heretics, and numerous destroyers, mongrelization will not be able to completely defy God's plan of purity.

Martin Luther: Gn. 49:10

Israel's Contradictory Law of Return

The Unwarranted Balfour Declaration

International Law

Law Of Return

Free book: The Nestorians, Or, The Lost Tribes (Perhaps valuable genetic and linguistic discovery! I suggest you study the page Council of Nicaea and my sermon Precedence first.)

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Why we promote racial and cultural homogeneity: Press here. A person may survive a car wreck and have like children afterward, but a person that has sex with another race destroys the genetic purity possibility of their offspring; physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out.

The first century Samaritans, formerly part of the ten tribes, had a displacement problem with the Assyrians and many lost their genetic inheritance. The Hebrews eventually lost theirs too. America and its original democracy was not orignially intended to be Babelized. We must avoid the generational curse.

Jesus is our hope.

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